chapt. 14

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Luke's p.o.v.
Me and clary won the race. Obviously. We were the fastest.
"Goddamn it! We got stuck behind a red light" ashton yelled when we walked in. Me and clary already claimed a booth. She took the window seat, I took the seat next to her.
"I got stuck behind a slow driver" jesse says sliding in and sitting in front of clary. She shifts uncomfortably, he put his hand on her knee and started to slide his hand higher and higher. She smacked it and glared. Is something going on between them. My heart aches to just think about her being with someone else. Wait what no stupid mind shut up.
"That slow driver was me" ashton says smugly. "Your paying jesse" he smirked.
"You guys know what you want" the lady asked.
"Since when was their waiters at Starbucks" I ask. She shrugged.
We all put in our orders and I ordered food too, along with michael and clary just to get on Jesse's nerves.
"I have to pee. Move people let me out" she snapped.
"Wow its someone's time of the month" dessy muttered. Clary glared and narrowed her eyes. We all get up and let clary out.
Its been a few minutes and I see the bathroom door open and right as clary stepped out a guy tripped and spilt coffee all over her.
Clary p.o.v.
"Ah shít that's cold! Oh shit!" I say I look at the person who spilt the coffee on me and glare at them. I do a double-take. Wow he looks familiar. He's cute too.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I didn't see you!" The mystery boy said.
"Its alright" I say.
"Are you sure i-" I hold up my hand and take in his appearance.
He has black hair, that has enough fringe that it could fall in his eyes, his eyes... Their dreamy their blue. Not as pretty as Luke's now those are some eyes let me tell you. Back to this kid, he's got that emo like vibe, he's wearing a all time low shirt with blue jeans and vans.
"Um h-how can I make it up to you" he stuttered.
"You can buy me coffee and sit down" I say, he smiles and nods.
"So here's my number" he says. Michael was wanting to leave but I wanted to stay. I didn't want to face jesse alone. Michael, luke and ashton had to work, which means I'll be alone. Madison and caylee are going to the movies and dessy has to go home. Ugh.
"Thanks. I'll text you... Actually." I do a quick text, his phone buzzes in his pocket. "That's my number" I smile.
"Great um may-maybe we could go out sometime."he suggested. I nod.
"Clary come on were gonna be late. Were gonna race back." Luke said rather rudely, grabbing my arm.
"Bye Alex!" I call over my shoulder.
"See you" he called back.
"Luke stop seriously. " I jerk back. "What's up with you" he just stares at me.
"Nothing" he shrugged walking to his bike and starting it up. I stare at him.
"You coming cherry" he smiled. It looks so fake.
"Luke" I drag out his name. He sighs.
"Clary-cherry I will leave you. We need to go" he warned. I nod and throw my leg over the other side and hook my arms around his toned torso, he shuddered And let out a shakey breath.
"One... Two... Go!" We once again take off. We make it back in a tie with Ashton.
Michael throws open the passenger door before the car even stops.
"Go clary go!" Luke shouts. I jump off the bike, and take off towards the house. I throw open the door just as michael wraps his hand around my waist. I lick his face and stumble through the door, he was still wiping his face as luke stepped around him and smiled at me in triumph.
"Fuck yeah cherry we did it!" Luke says
"Yeah fuck all you!" I shout as I hug Luke, he picks me up and spins me around. I giggle.
"Yeah yeah rub it in guys. We weren't even racing" jesse says stepping into the house, where he spots me and luke spinning and giggling. "Hey!" Jesse shouted. Luke lost focus and tripped and we tumbled to the floor, again. He landed on too of me.
"Oh I'm sorry. Clary are you ok" he asks still on top of me. I giggle,
"I'm fine" jesse pulls him off me, again.
Madison, caylee and dessy are all smiling and smirking at me and luke with knowing looks. Ashton just came out of his room with his work Polo on. Madison went to him and whispered something in his ear making him blush,
"We're gonna go guys, I'll drop you guys off-"
"You mean after you drop her off" caylee said.
"Get you some ashy" calum said winking at madison. I laugh but it stops when I see luke and jesse about to fight. Their glaring at each other, Jesse's hands fisted.
"Hey!" Ashton said catching their attention, he noticed their tention too. "Luke I'll give you a ride too, I don't want you driving that motorcycle anymore today. Mikey! Come on!" Michael comes out also in his work polo. They all work at the same place, how did they even manage that?
"Bye kitten" ashton says pecking Madison's lips.
"Bye" she said back. "Let's go the movie starts in twenty minutes. Dessy we will drop you off" they all walk out the door. Calum me and jesse are all that are left.
"Hey cal go chose a movie" jesse said not looking at him, he was staring straight at me licking his lips.
"Oh sure does it matter-"
"Actually let me help you-"
"No!' Jesse shouted making us freeze. "I need your help making popcorn" he said. Calum nods and goes upstairs. I look at jesse, he's already moving. He roughly crashes his lips to mine, I open my mouth, he slips his tongue in. I bite it and run to the kitchen, he yelped and chased after me. I run around and find my way back to the living room and try to make my way up the stairs but he grabs me by my hair and waist and tosses me to the couch.
"Calum! Help-" my scream got muffled.
"Clary you ok" calum says.
"Better make this quick" jesse says unbuckling his belt. I scream. He takes off his pants and crawls over me. He tries to tug down my pants. I punch him. His nose bleeds but he doesn't move, he just smacked me.
Calum came out of nowhere, with a bat and hit him over the head. Jesse fell over, unconscious.
I start to cry, calum throws jesse off me and pulls me in his arms and let's me cry. Over my sobs I hear him talking to michael.
"Calum what's wrong? Is that clary crying? Calum what happened!?" Michael said into the phone. I hear luke in the background wanting to know what's going on, michael sh'ed him. "Calum!"
"Jesse tried to rape clary" he said. On the other line it was silent. Luke kept asking what was wrong and what happened, why was Michael silent if I was ok.
Michaels p.o.v.
"Jesse tried to rape clary" he said. I was silent. Words can't explain how much I want to kill jesse. I trusted him. He tried to rape my sister. He's going to get his ass kicked.
"Michael!" Luke interrupted my thoughts. " what happened is clary ok" why does he care so much, his eyes were full of worry and fear.
Luke's p.o.v.
It took a couple tries but I finally got Michaels attention, his eyes were full of fury. He looks like he's going to kill someone.
"Dude what happened!" I yelled, catching Ashton's attention. He hurried over here.
"What's up man" he asked.
"I don't know! Michael won't tell me!"
"Jesse tried to rape clary. Calum knocked him out. We don't know how long he'll be out. I have to get there."
His words registered slowly. My vision went red. My nose flared.
"Be back" I said and went to my boss.
"Yes hemmings"
"We have a major emergency. Michaels sister is in the hospital. We need to go.".
"Yes yes go. Convey my condolences" he said. I took off towards michael and ashton.
Michael looked close to tears.
"I wasn't there! I-"
"Michael. Let's go. Jesse is going to die" I say. Ashton takes the lead and we march to his car and speed to our house.
I will kill him. He may be in love with her, but not for long.
Oh shit! It just went down!! Vote if you enjoy!

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