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part five.


if my father and mother were at least somewhat subtle, i might not have discovered.

but when the hickeys decorate your entire mouth and cheeks, it is quite visible.

i was entering the kitchen searching for my favorite cereal.

i didn't even notice the two of them blushing furiously until i set my bowl down and began eating my cocoa puffs.

"oh my gosh, people!" i groaned, folding my head into my hands.

my mom just defended, "we have morning rushes!"

"how are you going to cover this up at work, anyway?"

"squashed by a chair." both of them announced at the same time, laughing at each other.

i rolled my eyes. "that's such a stupid excuse."

i got up to dump the remaining of my breakfast into the sink. my mother reminded me to brush my teeth so the cavities wouldn't expand.

searching for my phone seemed to take six thousand years. it was underneath my bed sheets, abandoned and hurt that i didn't charge it last night. it's wounded battery percent was 22%. how was i supposed to survive life without it?

nicholas sent me a tumblr gif, representing a small kitten yawning and screaming, "JOHN CENA!" it was laughable, and it was in my mind while i hummed the song during my shower.

once prepared for school i hopped out of the quiet neighborhood and to my close by school.

ugh, senior year. let's get this vigorous shit over with.



the girls at humming mills christian academy for the young and talented wore uniform accordingly to the men's outfits.

it wasn't difficult to change from slacks to gym shorts during the required gym class, but the girls were unfortunate enough to have to button their shirt, zip up their skirt, stretch their knee socks, and brush their hair. whenever a girl was late to class, the teacher simply asked, "from gym?"

so, i was expecting lucy to arrive a bit shortly to drama after gym class. she was always on time since she didn't fool around with makeup or anything.

however, when 20 minutes passed and lucy was nowhere to be seen, i frowned. we had a skit together and it was beautiful, but because she wasn't here yet i couldn't perform it.

"nicholas?" my teacher called.

i trailed over to the voice. "yes?"

"have you seen lucy? you need to perform your skit today."

my frown increased. "no, sorry. she was here for lunch and in the morning, but for some odd reason she isn't here."

"oh, well, not to worry. you can turn it in late tomorrow if you'd like. i'm sure she just got sick or something, you all had to run 3 miles today right?"

i smiled and allowed my mind to run rampant. where could she go? there was no way she was sick; her slender legs carried her faster than anyone else.

i asked to use the bathroom, taking the one across the campus by the gym.

and before going into the men's room, i focused my hearing into the girl's room.

what i heard forced me to barge into the bathroom, not bothering to shield my eyes from girls because nobody was in there.

except her.

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