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part seven.


the annual fair came rolling into town. it was exciting because people of all ages squeezed through the entrance gates, eager to relax and have fun on this one day of the year.

nicholas knew how important this event was to me. he knew how i was going to go alone just so i could savor the beauty of fatty carbs and greasy carousels.

so, being the absolutely wonderful boyfriend he is, he offered to bring me. he offered to buy me a ticket before they ran out and he offered to pick me up in his gorgeous red mustang. he said that i needn't worry; that he would handle the purchases and i shouldn't hold anything but my purse.

so, i did. i sat in my empty and unnecessarily large home. alone, i stirred slightly from the couch to use the bathroom. i waited four hours. then, my father came home and told me i should just go to bed.

and i missed my only chance at happiness.



"they what?"

i almost screamed at my phone when tyler reminded me. they changed the carnival date to next week, leaving me a dead man. they refunded my tickets for new ones for the set date, but there was no way for me to tell my girlfriend.

my mustang was out of gas and the engine sputtered. i called help, but the mechanic said he couldn't help until tuesday.

it's saturday.

my phone was of course dropped into a boiling pot of spaghetti shortly after my call with tyler, and my mother had forgotten to buy home phones. she's been putting it off since we first starting living in this house, back in 1990.

i couldn't buy another phone until tuesday, when my mother comes home from her business trip.

as a single mom, she's very independent. she managed to get so highly promoted at her law firm that she gets to travel the world joining cases so high profiled she couldn't even tell me. it was interesting to watch her grow and exceed throughout the years.

she's very talented and just because she was a young mom, it didn't stop her. she is now so powerful with one phone call she could get one direction serenading her.

i wish i could call her, but all i can do is wait on her to facetime me on my ipad when she's available. oh, that's perfect!

i could facetime lucy and pray she'll respond!

i nervously pressed on her contact name, waiting for her to respond.

her beautiful face squinted at mine.

"you're a jerk. i'm ending this call."

"no, lou, wait!" i protested, worry evident in my yelp.

she paused, her glare still clear. "what?" she snapped fiercely, holding a weak grudge.

play it cool, nic. if you play it cool she won't stop loving you.

"the festival you want to go to is actually next saturday. i wanted to tell you but my phone was boiled and my car died."

that was lame, dude.

she was still for a moment and i thought the connection was poor and stuck on her face.

then, she disconnected.

i bit my bottom lip, silently cursing. oh, wait. i'm home alone, i can curse aloud.



i'm thinking of not procrastinating because i have two major tests coming up, colorguard meet up, christian club meeting, and a short story due during the week. and it's only tuesday.

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