Chapter 9

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*Nicole's POV*

After a bottle and a few minutes of rocking, Ellie fell asleep. Austin made a little bed for her out of our pillows and blankets and I laid her down and shut the door.

I walked out to the front and saw Austin sitting at the table, reading fan letters. Tino laid on the couch, doing something on his phone.

He glanced at me and smiled, then went back to his letter. I went to the fridge and pulled out a tea, leaning against the counter and taking a sip.

Austin finished the letter and slipped it back in the envelope, and then into the box he kept all his letters in. He looked at me and smiled. "You're really good with her."

I smiled. "I'm practicing for when me and Tino have babies."

Tino smiled. "Oh god. I don't know if I wanna be responsible for little mini Nicole's running around."

"Shutup." I said, chuckling and going and sitting across from Austin. I heard Tino sit up and then he started rubbing my shoulders.

"So how many kids are we gonna have?" Tino asked.

Austin chuckled. "You guys are serious?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Me and Tino made a deal awhile ago that if I'm not married by the time I'm 32 then he has to marry me."

The boys laughed and Tino kissed my neck. "I'd marry you tomorrow if I had the chance." He stood up and smiled at me. "I'm gonna go take a dump." He said, walking away.

I threw a remote at him. "Way to ruin the moment."

Austin stood up and grabbed the box holding all his fan mail, closing it and sliding it under the table. "You guys are too much." He said.

I smiled. "We're adorable."

He smirked. "Well he is, I don't know about you."

I smacked his arm and laughed. "Shut Up. I'm cute."

He nodded. "I'm gonna ignore that one." He smiled. "I'm gonna go get ready."

"Okay." I said. "Be quiet back there please."


*later on*

"Come here, baby girl." Joanna said, smiling and taking Ellie from me.

Her and Rob, her husband, had just gotten back to the bus. I smiled and hugged Rob.

"Hey, Nicky." He said, wrapping me in a bear hug.

"Robby you're killin me." I said, pushing him away.

He chuckled. "I missed you, Nicky."

"I missed you too, Robby." I said, patting his chest.

Joanna smiled at me. "Was she okay?"

I nodded. "She was an angel."

"Good." She said, kissing her cheek.

Austin came into the room and smiled. "Alright girls. Go have some fun. Me and Rob will take Ellie."

Joanna smiled and passed Ellie to Rob and then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the bus. We walked to a nearby restaurant and sat down.

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