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I wake to a piercing pain in my back as I feel someone hit it hard with something leather like. A whip...

I scream and unconsciously summon the shadows to protect my back and wings. I didn't want them to be broken or hurt.

I hear a man move away from behind me and to my front. I hadn't noticed but my feet were hanging off the ground so I know I'm suspended in midair right now.

"Who are you boy!? Where did you come from!? Answer me!"

I growled at him and spit on him.

The man punched my face breaking my jaw a bit.

He asked again and I smirked at him.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back. He smirked back and pulled out a kunai and stabbed my stomach.

I screamed and spit up blood.

He let my head drop and he left me alone for a few minutes before bringing in a healer to stop the bleeding from my stomach as it dripped down my pants to the floor.

While the woman healed my stomach I noticed I wasn't the only one in the room. There was a girl figure on the other side of me but I couldn't see her.

My heart tells me it might be the girl I saw in my dreams. If I can just free myself than I can get her and escape through my shadows. I can't use them to get out of the chains I'm in. I can tell my chakra is being drained slowly by them. The woman leaves me and the man from earlier comes into view again and the real fun begins. His eyes looked crazed with torturous things filling his mind. I don't like the look in his eyes.

The Reaper (a naruto fanfic *adopted from Kiraenglish*)Where stories live. Discover now