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It's been two days of pure torture.

It feels like I've been hanging here for weeks.

Months even.

I kept the man's attention away from the girl in the corner.

I learned who she was when he would leave us alone.

Her name is Kami.

She is a rare beauty and she says that her father is God.

She told me I am her grim reaper and that I had to keep her safe on earth.

It has confused me for some time though.

Why me?

I'm but a child who is just a genin in my new home.

Why did she pick me instead of a jonin?

I've asked her many times but she never said.

My clothes are ripped to shreds and are barely covering me.

All I see is my blood around me and on me.

Open wounds that will scar my skin just like my new father Ibiki.

I'm not worried though for some reason.

I feel as though today will be the day my team will find me.

I've been growing colder for the past few hours and so much weaker.

Is this what it's like to feel like your dying?

I'm sorry Naru. I'm sorry Kamisama. I don't know if I can keep this up for much longer.

My eyelids feel so heavy...

I can't...

Keep them....


I woke a few minutes later to screams outside mine and Kamisamas cell.

I hear a voice that made me smile.

"" I tried to scream out to him but it was more like a hoarse whisper.

I heard footsteps near the door and it was opened with a loud clang.

I didn't look up to see who it was.

I was too exhausted to move even a finger.

I hear a loud gasp and footsteps running over to me.

My wings were limp beside me as I fell from being released by the chains. My head came in contact with warmth and my eyes shut for a minute.

I feel the warmth move away and cry out in pain as I'm set onto the floor where it was cold and rubbing against my bleeding injuries.

I feel myself being held in warm arms again as I felt something wrap around me constantly.

Was it bandages?

I could not tell.

My left wing was broken while my right had lost half it's feathers.

I could tell whoever it was taking care of me was being careful of them.

I spoke softly and hoarsely. ""

I hear movement and a gentle and soft hand touched my cheek.

I felt myself slipping into darkness after I coughed up a large amount of blood.

I heard gasps and I felt weightless as someone carried me running somewhere.

That was all I could remember before the blackness took over me and lulled me into its cold embrace.

The Reaper (a naruto fanfic *adopted from Kiraenglish*)Where stories live. Discover now