Chapter I -A Small Visit

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Walking down the streets of Gotham has never been scary to me,i got used to all the crimes,drugs and murders thats been happening lately in this town people would say if id had the chance to get out of Gotham i would but not me Gotham's my home and im gonna live here for the rest of my life some people really are stupid on not seeing the brighter things here in Gotham sure the weather is gloomy and crimes whatever i dont pay any attention to it.

"Hayley where are you going at this hour?" my 'father' spoke in a serious tone once he saw me on the other side of the streets "Im just going for a walk thats all" i smiled sweetly at him behind him my mother came "Alright then just be home quick cause you gotta help your brother with his homework" i nodded my head and began making my way to my destination. 

I continued my way and started thinking about how Fish Mooney is gonna rule Gotham and blah blah blah i just think shes crazy to think she can do such a thing she just wants power that what everyone wants...

Before i entered the place i looked at my reflection through a window and smiled to myself my mom for some reason hates how i look she says i look exactly like my uncle which is insane in a good way since i love him with all my heart i opened the doors to Fish Mooney's club or should i say Oswald's club now i entered the club and there were a few bodyguards i would say,they stood in front but knowing who i am he let me in.

The club wasnt exactly full of people of people but it was nice and up front of the stage was Gertrud singing.i smiled to myself and sneaked behind Oswald while he was distracted "Boo!" i laughed making Oswald turn and look at me and his face instantly lit up "Hayley! Its good to see my niece once again,to what may i owe this pleasure" once i hugged him he took a strand of my hair playing with it "Nothing i just came by to visit my uncle" i smirked and we both glanced over to the stage.

"She's a professional isnt she?" Oswald spoke in which i muttered a yes."So have you heard anything new about Jim?" "Now that you mention it he passed by like an hour ago saying that you should stop by the police department for some reason" Thats nice ive been wanting to talk to Jim for a while now.

"Okay then say hello to your mom for me then" I hugged Oswald tight and muttered I love you to him.Honestly Oswald has been for me when i most needed him he's like my dad cause my real died died well thats what people say so im not entirely sure what happened to him but that doesnt matter i have Oswald here for me "Take care okay Hayley" I nodded my head and made my way to the police department.


Hey guys its me Kim!!! And here i just made this story for the tv serie Gotham which is huge right now and lets face it we all fell in love with Jerome here so yeah decided to do this since a friend inspired me to also do it and i have a feeling that its gonna go well also im about to make an Oswald Cobblepot story as well it might come this week? yeah maybe it will..So please leave a comment and vote cause you aint seen nothing yet in whats gonna happen!! :D also please read the story called Beautifully Twisted which is f**king awesome by Kaylakuy

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