Chapter 8

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Jack tried to play everything off “You were tired and couldn’t find a shirt to sleep in so I let you borrow mine. Alex is just messing with you.”

I felt like Jack was lying to me but instead of arguing it I just nodded along so we could move on. I hated how I seemed to forget details of nights when I drink. I suddenly blank and don’t remember anything. I mean I remember kissing Jack but I don’t recall anything else.

Alex spoke up “So you hungry?”

My stomach grumbled a second later “That would be a yes.”

Jack chuckled standing up. He walked over to the cabinet pulling out pancake mix.

“You like pancakes?”

I nodded “Of course! Who doesn’t like pancakes?!”

Alex mumbled “Aimee...”

I gasped “What is wrong with her?!”

Jack chuckled “She just doesn’t like them. She never has.”

I shook my head “I use to live off pancakes when I was at school. Freshmen year my roommate and I use to make pancakes every other day.”

Alex laughed “That’s like Jack. Jack loves pancakes.”

Jack smiled as he prepared the pancakes. After a couple minutes I offered help but he wouldn’t let me. He claims he wanted to cook them for me. I’m the guest and he wanted to make me feel welcome. Alex laughed the whole time Jack talked. After waiting a couple minutes Jack handed Alex and me a plate. We all sat there eating them at the table. We were just enjoying sitting around the table and talking.

We heard foot steps come into the room. I rolled my eyes slightly when I saw a very out of it Aimee walk in. She sat next to Jack leaning on him.

She groaned “What are you eating?”

I smirked “Pancakes. Jack made them for us.”

She looked disgusted and she sat up “Ew Jack! I thought we talked about pancakes. They’re gross.”

Alex sighed shaking his head “Not this argument again!”

We listened to Aimee lecture Jack for about twenty minutes about how she hates pancakes and wants him to respect her by not eating them anymore. It took all my energy not to speak up.

I got lucky that when I was very tempted to speak up Matt walked in smiling.


I spoke loudly to break the tension “Morning Matt! How are you?”

I peeked over at Jack seeing him smiling at me. I blushed slightly waiting for Matt to reply.

“I’m okay. Slightly hungover. You?”

I shrugged “Pretty good. I mean I don’t think I got enough sleep but other than that I’m good.”

Alex mumbled “I wonder why.”

I quickly turned to him “What?”

He chuckled “Nothing...”

I glared watching him “You better watch yourself Alexander.”

He pretended to glare back “Better watch yourself... Avarie!”

I gasped “How dare you! How do you know that?”

He quickly pointed to Matt.

I turned to him gasping “Matthew! How dare you!”

Matt chuckled “It’s not that serious.”

Aimee seemed to be watching me “Ava?”

I turned to her “Yeah...?”

“What’s that on your neck?”

I knew right away what she was talking about. I forgot the hickeys. 

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now