Chapter 11

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Lunatic blared from my iPhone as I curled my hair. I sang along while slightly bobbing along to the song. I knew it was risky singing so loudly on the bus but I couldn’t help it. Every girl should be able to dance and sing along while getting ready. I heard a loud knock but I didn’t pay any attention to it. It wasn’t until they knocked again that I sighed opening the bathroom door. I was in the process of curling a section of my hair and I probably looked ridiculous but I didn’t care.

I smiled seeing Alex stand in front of me “Yes Alexander?”

He chuckled “I have to pee. Can I get in there?”

I shook my head “Does it look like I’m done? I don’t think so!”

He sighed “Please!”

I detached the curling iron from the section admiring the curl it left in it’s place. I put it down on the counter while I sprayed that section.

I wasn’t expecting Alex to stay. A minute later though he picked me up carrying me out of the bathroom throwing me towards the couch

“You’re so mean!”

He chuckled running to the bathroom “Me mean? Never! I would’ve let you pee!”

I looked in the mirror on the wall laughing at my half curled hair. Zack laughed at me as I tried to make it look a little less crazy.

Jack walked in clearly stunned by my appearance.

I chuckled raising my hand quickly before he spoke “Alex kicked me out of the bathroom. I’m not done.”

“Oh... I was wondering why I didn’t hear you singing anymore.”

I felt color rushed to my cheeks “You heard me?”

He nodded plopping down next to me “I think everyone could hear you.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

He shrugged “I guess it can be good. You have a nice voice.”

I blushed slightly “Thanks...”

Alex walked into the room a second later looking relieved “I feel better. You can resume you hair now.” I giggled slightly pushing him as I walked back to the bathroom. I scrolled through my iPhone until I found the perfect song. Taylor Swift’s voice filled the bathroom.

I sang loudly “Don’t look at me you got a girl at home, and everybody knows that.”

I laughed humorlessly at how Taylor Swift could take one song and pretty much summarize my life. I continued to do my hair trying to not think too much about Jack and Aimee. It was successful for the most part until she made her way into the bathroom slightly pushing me aside so she could check her makeup. I sighed moving over so I was basically standing outside the bathroom doing my hair.

She smirked “I have to look good. Jack’s taking me out tonight.”

I nodded not wanting to hear but pretending to be friendly “Oh really? Where?”

“Yeah. He doesn’t know yet. I’m going to tell him we’re going out.”

“Oh? Don’t they have a show?”

She nodded “I’m hoping he’ll just skip it and go out.”

“But he’s an important piece of the band.”

“Yeah... Oh well.”

I sighed noting I was done my hair so I unplugged my curl and iron. I left it on the counter to cool and quickly decided to attempt to get as far from Aimee as possible. 

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now