Chapter 10

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I got excited as we pulled into our local venue. I invited my best friend Maci. The truth is I invited her because I know Matt had a thing for her. Maci was crazy. Her hair just reached her chin in the front and got shorter in the back. The back of her hair was her natural color black but the front was neon blue which fades into neon pink. She had her nose and lip pierced and always wore way too much make-up. She was my better half and could give the best advice.

I saw her standing outside patiently waiting in the too cool for June air. Once the bus stopped I ran out the door. I didn’t care how crazy I looked as I ran over to her screaming. The best part is she ran towards me screaming too. I hugged her tightly so excited that she came.

She chuckled “It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever!”

I giggled “I know!”

We linked arms and made our way inside. Matt was casually standing in the hallway trying to looking like he wasn’t waiting for us.

Maci smiled whispering to me “He still looks good.”

I giggled sticking my tongue out “And he clearly still has a thing for ya.”

She unhooked herself from me and walked over to Matt. His smile when she was standing in front of his was almost too much to handle. He looked so happy to see her and I loved seeing him that happy.

He pulled her in a tight hug “It’s so great to see you Maci.”

I watched them wishing Jack and I could have it as simple as they did. Matt and Maci could easily date and it would be no big deal. They are perfect for each other.

I turned away from them seeing Jack and Aimee walk in. I held back the tears as they held hands making their way towards the dressing rooms. Jack most of noticed me because sent a small smile in my direction. I couldn’t watch them long before I turned making my way to find Alex. Alex was the only one who let me just ramble about Jack and be upset. I knocked on his door waiting patiently for him to answer. I turned seeing Jack look disappointed as I waited for Alex to answer. A second later Alex cleared his throat.

I turned to him sighing “Can I escape in here?”

He nodded moving aside letting me in. I walked in making my way to his couch as he closed the door behind me.

He turned to me “What’s up? I thought your friend was here.”

I sighed “She’s with Matt. They’re catching up.”

“So what’s wrong?”

“Aimee and Jack...”

“When isn’t that wrong?”

“It seems to always be wrong...”

We got interrupted by a knock at the door. Alex opened it. I started look around admiring the dressing room. Alex managed to mess up him dressing room in record time. His clothes already were scattered everywhere. I didn’t notice how long Alex was gone until I looked up and noticed he wasn’t even in the room anymore. In his place stood the one person I tried to escape from. He awkwardly had his hands in his pockets watching me.

I sighed “What are you doing in here?”

He made his way over towards the couch “To talk with you.”


“I’m not really sure. Alex says we should talk...”

I laughed humorlessly “Of course he did.”

“I was just coming to check on you but he told me to stay and talk to you.”

I watch Jack carefully sit on the couch next to me. He seemed to have things on his mind but he wouldn’t express what they were. We both sat there silently for a couple minutes.

I yawned slightly leaning back.

He chuckled glancing at me.

I turned to him “What’s so funny Barakat?”

He laughed slightly “You...”

I raised an eyebrow “How?”

“You’re just so cute some times. Like that yawn.”

“Cute? Me cute? No.”

He sighed nodding “Yes you. You don’t see how beautiful you truly are...”

I shook my head “Right...”

Sudden he turned to me “Seriously...”

He hand slowly went to my cheek. I felt my heart race as he looked me in the eyes.

“You’re so beautiful.”

He started to lean in. The moment was ruined though when the door flew open. Jack leaned back quickly removing his hand. Maci and Matt stood there.

Jack stood up “Well I better go.”

He quickly made his way out of the room causing me to throw myself against the couch. 

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now