Chapter 5- Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

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Heyy!!! I think this one is gonna be one of my favorite chapters because Red is gonna reveal something big to the detectives *NO SPOILER*

So now we get into more of Season 2 Gotham because I wanted to get the story caught up to the show as much as possible so it wouldn't seem behind and old. I also wanted to quickly get there so I could get more to the fun parts. mwahahaha

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!!


"Lovely outfit," Penguin complemented her when she waked through the doors of the club.

"Thanks!" She said with a grin.

"What happened this morning? You didn't deliver the paper," he asked, leading her to the bar.

She grimaced, a look that rarely crossed her face. "My neighbor above me got robbed last night and I was the only one around her who was home. The detectives interrogated and bugged me all mornin'," she said with a sigh.

"These detectives, do they think you're the robber?"

She shrugged. "I dunno, maybe. Gordon seemed to be thinkin' toward that direction."

Penguin's eyes lit up, "James Gordon? Oh, he's a friend of mine, a dear, dear friend."

"Really? A cop like him with a mobster like you?"

He seemed surprised when she mentioned him being a part of the mob. "How did you know about my mob involvement?"

"Oh, I've suspected it since Mr. Greyson went M.I.A. a couple-a days ago and then when you told me not to worry about it," she said casually, waving her hand as though dismissing the question. "This ain't my first rodeo, hon. I know a mobster when I meet 'im."

"Wrong side of Chicago, then?"

"Wanna know a little secret?" She asked, waiting for him to nod his head before leaning in closer. "I've been a lower member of a mob before," she whispered


It had been a few days and Red was cleaning out glasses around four o'clock when the news interrupted the old TV show that had been playing. She turned and the first thing she saw was a redheaded boy laughing maniacally into the camera and shooting what she assumed was a police officer. Her eyes widened and she forgot the glass and rag in her hands as she listened to the reporter describe how the escaped inmates at Arkham, self-proclaimed "Maniax", had infiltrated the GCPD and shot up the station, killing and wounding many of the officers.

"Hey, Red. You okay?" One of her regulars asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fantastic," she replied, shaking out her momentary lapse and grinning. "Actually, I need to talk to Penguin. Do you know where he went?"

"I think he went into the back," the scruffy man said, pointing to the main office.

She nodded her thanks and turned the bar over to one of the waitresses. Walking to the large wooden door, she didn't hesitate before barging in on what she assumed was a small mob meeting.

"Red! What are you doing in here? Is everything alright?" Penguin asked from his throne at the head of the table.

"Not entirely. Y'know those inmates that escaped Arkham? They just attacked the GCPD... a lot of people were badly injured and killed," she said, holding back a smirk at the mention of the deceased.

Penguin shot to his feet and dismissed his company, who left quickly, and came to stand in front of her. "Who died?"

"No clue."

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