Chapter 8- ...One Door Opens

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Heyy! I finished this earlier than I expected, so I'm posting!



Red climbed through the window of her apartment to find Jerome sprawled fast asleep on the small couch, his arm dangling over the edge and one leg draped over the back. She giggled softly at the sight as she placed her bag silently on a stool at the kitchen's bar and shrugged her jacket off her bared shoulders. She tossed said jacket, along with Jerome's suit jacket, tie and vest, into the laundry bag so she could get them washed.

It was early morning, and Red had just gotten home from a night of thievery and keeping her ears to the streets. She had found out that Theo was in police custody and his sister was on the run with their pawn, Silver, along with her. The GCPD were now looking more into finding and taking in Little Red and Jerome, and placing them in the criminally insane ward of Arkham Asylum. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she saw on the caller ID that it was Penguin, and she answered it quickly.

"Hey, Pengy," she greeted him, keeping her voice down as she walked into the other room, hoping to not disturb her sleeping guest.

"Red! Hello, dear. I need you to meet me somewhere, it seems Tabitha Galavan wishes me dead," he informed her, his voice urging her to hurry.

"Alright, text me the location and I'll be right over," she assured him. "Oh, and I'll bring Valeska."

She heard Penguin mutter a thanks and knew he had nodded because there was a slight scratchy sound over the line. He hung up and she slipped the phone into her pocket and turned around to see Jerome leaning against the door frame behind her.

"You'll bring me where, now?" he asked, suddenly very suspicious.

Red pushed past him quickly and grabbed her jacket from the laundry bag, pulling it on before grabbing her bag. "We are goin' to help protect the Penguin from Theo's sistah," she informed him just as her phone buzzed again and Penguin's location popped up on the screen.

Jerome shrugged nonchalantly and looked around for his jacket.

"It's in the laundry bag. We'll make a pitstop somewhere along the way to get you a change or two of clothes," Red said, already reopening the window and about to climb onto the fire escape that was a small ways away from the window. Jerome nodded and slowly followed her.


Red picked through the men's clothing in the back of the small clothing store they had broken into; it didn't open for another couple hours as it was so early the sun hadn't even begun to rise. She had found another duffel bag in the same store and had Jerome put undergarments inside first. She was now looking for good clothing for him to wear because she had always had a talent for fashion, even if she prefered wearing more comfortable clothes in case she had to run or climb, which she often did.

"Purple and green really are my colors," Jerome commented, looking in the mirror at the outfit she had first made. It was an emerald green t-shirt with a pair of black straight-legged jeans, black combat boots, and a dark purple military jacket.

Red giggled as she folded a couple of shirts and stuffed them into the half-filled bag. "Told ya they were. The green brings out your eyes and the purple looks good against your skin."

Jerome walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind, trapping her with her back against his chest. "I'm flattered, gorgeous. You really pay that much attention?"

"Always," she said, turning her head sideways to look up at him with a smirk before smoothly twisting out of his grip. He stood there staring after her as she walked toward the pants and shoes.

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