My Turf Chapter 9 (First Half)

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Chapter 9 First Half (Second half of chapter nine will be posted next)

I used to love the feeling I got as I walked into a crowded lunchroom.  I loved the way heads would turn, the way all attention was turned to me.

It's funny how things change.

Now as I walked into the lunchroom, the stares didn't mean as much.  The power I used to thrive on didn't send that framiliar chill of delight down my spine.  Instead, my eyes scanned the room for a more particular thing.  Edward was sitting at a table with his brothers just like everyday, but today something was different.  Something that nearly caused me to choke on my own spit.

Alice and Rosalie were sitting with Edward and the other boys, instead of our usual table.  The anger rose up in me so fast I almost didn't notice Angela tap me on the shoulder.  Almost.

"Bella, I have a doctors appointment now so I need to go to the office.  I'll see you tomorrow." And just like that my only hope slipped through my fingers.

"Angela wait!" I reached out and grabbed her arm as she began to retreat. "I thought that today me and you could sit by ourselves and talk.  Get to know each other better.  Don't you think you can reschedual your doctors appointment?"

I gave her my best dazling smile and puppy dog eyes.  I could see the hesitation on her face as I made a little whimpering noise.  I'm a person who knows how to get what they want.

"I don't know... I suppose I can reschedual-" Her phone began to buz in her pocket, interupting her sentence.  "Oh! It's my mom. Sorry Bella, we'll do the chat tomorrow.  See you!"

"Don't count on it." I muttered at her back as she left me all alone.

I was planning to ditch Alice and Rosalie since they were being to cruel to me, but as soon as I made it through the line they waved me over.  I took my time as I walked to the table.  I just couldn't understand why they were doing this to me.  I treat them perfect and yet they decide the eat lunch with MY ENEMY!  Not only that, they are also forcing me to hang out with him after school.  Why me?!

I gave a small fake smile to everyone as I sat down beside Rosalie.  The boys gave there introductions, eventhough I already knew from the girls who was who.

"So tonight is going to be a lot of fun." Alice stated as she looked like she wanted to jump from her seat.

"It will be." The guy, Jasper, said as he smiled happily at Alice.  I knew that smile.  That smile said, "you are so amazingly pretty and I think I'm already in love with you." Jasper has himself a crush.

"I hope you guys have a great time." I said with a fake smile as I took a swig from my orange juice.

"What do you mean?" Rosalie asked with a warning glint in her eye.

"Well, I have to work."

"No you don't!" Alice smiled at me as I cursed her name in my head a thousand times over. "I called for you and they gave you the day off.  Go ahead Bella, thank me."

"Thank you so much." I tried, and failed, to keep the sarcasm from my voice.

I concentrated deeply on my food as they went on to discuss other things.  I was able to lose intrest fast.  I spent the next few minutes trying to come up with a reason for my torcher.  I could think of nothing.  Why would they try and become friends with the enemy?!

Now all I have to do is endure the rest of lunch, plus the rest of the day, with them.  Wonderful.

~~~Next half of chapter five will be coming your way!!!~~~

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