My Turf (A Twilight Fanfiction) Chapter 7

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My Turf (A Twilight Fanfiction) Chapter 7

~~~Sorry it took so long, and that it's so short. I hope you guys like it. Comment and vote! ~~~

Bella's POV

Edward wrote down ever idea we came up with on the subject. Well, it was more like what he came up with because I only gave one word answers. I expected Edward to call me out on my silence and embarrass me somehow in front of everyone... but he didn't. He kept his voice sweet and he didn't question me for keeping my head down.

He almost sounded worried.

I just shook that thought off thought because it was insane. He's the one who said I was nothing. He's the one who started this stupid war with me.

"So were going to have to meet after school a few times a week to study the dog. My cousin actually happens to have a Pit Bull so I can just dog sit for him." When he said that I could feel his gaze on my face. I was careful to make sure my hair covered my bruises so he couldn't see.

"OK. We can do it all at your house." I replied. There's no way he is coming to my house. My father doesn't take care of the house so I cook; do the laundry, clean the house, pay the bills (with some of his money and mine), the list goes on and on. "We can only do it Mondays and Wednesdays."

"Why only Monday and Wednesdays?" He asked sounding curious.

"I work the rest of the week." I told him with a 'duh' tone of voice and he didn't reply. What's up with him? He was all evil yesterday and now he decides to be nice?

"What's wrong?" He asked for the second time. I didn't even realize till now I had put my head down on the desk again.

I was saved by the bell, and I gathered my stuff and walked out of the room with as much pride as I could muster up.

The rest of the day was hell.

I had so many people ask if I was okay, and I always kept my head down and said I was fine. The whole day I dreaded lunch. Angela already knew something was wrong because I wouldn't speak to her in class, and Alice and Rosalie will definitely bombard me with questions. When the lunch bell rang my heart squeezed uncomfortably.

I kept my head down through the lunch line and silently took a seat beside Alice. Rosalie was across from her and Angela was across from me. I could see Edward behind Angela sitting with Tanya, Jessica, and those two other guys again. He caught my daze and I snapped my head away.

"Bella, we demand you tell us what's wrong." Rosalie said and Alice nodded vigorously in response. I kept my head looking at my unappetizing food as I responded.

"I'm fine, just not feeling good." I tried to keep my voice straight, but Alice and Rose could always tell when I was lying.

"There's more you're not telling us. Were your friends, you can trust us." Alice spoke softly, but I didn't answer. There was nothing I could tell them that they wouldn't see through.

"Bella what is it?" Angela spoke in her soft sweet voice. I could feel them all looking at me.

You know that feeling when you're trying so hard not to cry, then someone asks you about it and you can't help but let the tears fall? Well, that's what they were doing to me.

"Bella what's wrong." Rosalie spoke a little more demanding then. When she said that something inside of me snapped. Why can't they just leave me alone!? All day people have been hounding me and I'm sick of it!

"I SAID I'M FINE!" I screamed and stood up scooting my chair back. Silence fell over the lunchroom and every gaze landed on me. I was sure to keep my hair in my face as I exited the lunch room.

I heard footsteps behind me so I did the only thing I could, I ran. I ran past my locker, past the bathroom, to a hall that was empty. It was a deserted hallway that used to be a 5th grade hallway when this place was an old elementary school. Now no one uses it.

I heard the footsteps right behind me, but I just stopped as I approached the wall at the end of the hallway. I expected Alice or Rosalie to be behind me, so when I turned I couldn't help but let out a gasp.

Edward Cullen was standing behind looking extremely worried.

"Bella-" He whispered as his hand reached up to my face. My whole body was frozen in shock, and when his hand brushed away the hair from my face tingles ran through my body.

He gasped and his mouth opened up in shock.

I was immediately thrown out of my shock as I realized my hair no longer covered my wounds. I frantically reached up to put my hair back in my face but Edward grabbed my hand before I could.

He looked deep into my eyes as he brought his other hand up and traced it along my bruised skin. A single tear leaked out of my eye and he whipped it away with his finger.

I couldn't help it, I burst into tears and he brought me into a breathtaking hug.

I soaked his shirt as I sobbed and sobbed. He rubbed my back and hair to comfort me as a cried.

It didn't even occur to me then that he was my enemy. I didn't realize that he was one of the reasons I was crying.

The only thing that occurred to me then, was how good it felt to be in his arms.

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