My Turf (A Twilight Fanfiction) 2nd Part of Chapter 5

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My Turf (A Twilight Fanfiction) Second Part of Chapter 5

Edward's POV

How can one person look so amazing? Her smile sent a chill down my spine and my heart did a double take.

"Yes Edward?" She asked. I could tell she was trying so sound mad but she seemed more relieved than anything. That's when it hit me, what am I going to say? Think, think, think, think, think.

"I-uh-um" Common Edward think! Oh, football! "I wanted to ask Tyler if there was openings in the football team?" I really did need to ask someone about that but after he touched Bella like that he was the last person I wanted to talk to. But if I leave now then he will try and make out with Bella again and I won't let that happen. So, me and Tyler got into a conversation about football but I was only half paying attention. Bella looked so misplaced and I could help but steal glances at her soft beautiful features.

Finally, lunch time ended. I was about to walk away but then I saw Tyler take Bella's hand. He helped her up and looked into her eyes. No, no, no! Not again! Does this guy never give up! He leaned his head down towards Bella. I felt like screaming, get away from her! Right when I was about to physically stop him Bella turned her head to me.

"Uh Edward I need to ask you something about... biology!" She blurted out. My heart jumped into my throat as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway. Her hand felt so soft and warm, it sent a chill through my hand and into my body. She seemed to realize after standing there for a while that she still had my hand in hers and she yanked away. Did she not feel the same sensation that I did?

She started to walk away. I began to panic. No, she can't leave now.

"Wait!" I blurted out. She stopped walking and I ran up to her.

"Yes Edward?" My voice sounded so good coming from her mouth.

"You had a question about biology?" I teased. We both knew that was only an excuse.

"Yeah, do you know if we would be allowed to trade seats? I hate the person I have to sit next to!" The word 'hate' echoed in my head. She hates me? She looked so angry... maybe she did want to kiss Tyler? What if I ruined her moment?

"Are you mad I interrupted your kiss with Tyler?" I tried to sound concerned but really I didn't feel bad at all and I would redo it again.

"No. Actually thank you for that. His breath smelled like fart." She did a fake gag and I laughed.

"Can I walk you to class?" The words just slipped out and instantly I became nervous. How stupid can I be?!

"Sorry I don't walk with guys who got another girl pregnant and them forced them to have an abortion." She smirked at me. How can one person be so heartless!

"What is that, your next rumor?!!" She nodded.

I couldn't help myself; I got right up in her face. I reached my hands up and took her face in them. Her cheeks felt so soft but I was too angry to care.

"You think you're all tough with your friends and your popularity but if you take that away your nothing. Your just a scared cruel little girl with no emotions and no feelings for anyone but yourself!" She looked shocked, but then she lifted her hand up and smacked me across the face. It hurt badly but I didn't care. She deserved someone to tell her off.

"How dare you! You don't know me!" She screamed as tears streamed down her face. I felt bad and reached a hand up to her but she slapped it away.

"Don't forget this is a war Edward Cullen!" If she wants a war, then she's going to get one!

Bella's POV

His words echoed in my mind. You're nothing, a scared cruel girl, no emotions, and no feelings, self-absorbed. Could he be right? Is that what people really think of me? I looked around the history class. I was sitting with another girl named Ashley. We pretended to be friends but we never really talked. She just talked to me because I was the most popular and I only talked to her because she threw awesome parties. Did she think I was selfish and cruel? A group of girls laughed in the back of the class. Were they talking about me? Laughing at me?

I'd never felt so misplaced in my life. How could he think those things of me? Am I really that bad of a person? How dare he make me feel this way! He will pay!

The class went by way to slow but finally it ended. Gym next, I better have Alice or Rosalie!

Luckily, I walked in to find Alice, Rose, and Angie.

"Guys!" I called out to them and they waved me over smiling.

"Is it true?!" Alice shouted.

"What?" My brain ran super-fast, is what true??

"Did you and Edward get into a huge fight and you slapped him?" Rosalie finished for Alice.

"Oh that... yeah." Again the words he called me ran through my head. Do my friends think that about me?

"Oh my gosh! What did he do?!!!" Alice's loud voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Guys... do you think I'm selfish and cruel and have no feelings?" I asked with a little voice.

"Did he say that to you?!?!" Alice shouted, bringing everyone's attention to us. I just nodded. Alice looked so angry she could kill. She began to walk over to the other side of the gym. I didn't understand what she was doing until I saw them. Edward and the other two guys were talking and laughing right where Alice was walking.

"Alice no!" I hollered. Edward looked up then, but it was too late. Alice walked up to him and slapped him. She said something to him but I couldn't hear and the other two guys just laughed.

"Alice, what did you say?" I asked as she walked back to us.

"I told him he has no idea what's about to hit him." I never loved Alice more than in that moment.

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