My Turf (A Twilight Fanfiction)

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My Turf (A twilight fanfiction)

Hey guys this is a twilight fan-fiction. It has all the same characters as Twilight but NONE are vampires and the story is different. Please vote and comment!!!

Disclaimer: I own the entire Twilight saga books! But sadly I don't own the rights to any of them :( Stephenie Meyer does.

Chapter 1

Forks Washington is a small town with a small school. My name is Isabella Swan, the daughter of Charlie the chief of police and daughter of Renee owner of a nail-salon in Phoenix.

I have the best life here in Forks, I'm the queen bee of the whole town. Every girl wants to be me and every guy wants to date me. They don't know anything of my life at home though, the only people that do are Alice and Rosalie. They are my best friends we tell each other everything.

I woke up refreshed for my first day of 11th grade. I straightened my already straight brown layered hair, pulled on a pair of tight blue skinny jeans and red converse. I wore a tube-top that was red and blue. I gave my self a once over and skipped down stairs.

"Morning dad!!!" He grumbled an went into the living room with a beer in hand.

But that didn't damper my mood I ran to my new mustang convertible an pulled the top down. It was a rare sunny day.

When I got to school Alice and Rosalie were already waiting.

"Omg! Bella it's finally school time!" Alice shrieked and jumped up and down.

"I know! It's gonna be an awesome year I can feel it!" I really did feel it.

"Bella did you hear the news?" Rosalie asked. I thought for a moment.

"No. What news?" She had a huge smile and so did Alice.

"There are some new guys in school today! We haven't seen them but we know there are three really hot guys. There the sons of the new doctor Carlisle an the house planner Esme."

I gasped. Three new hot guys! An idea formed in my head.

"Hey.... Guys... You know how we are the leaders of the school. Well these guys are new and may need help getting to know the school, we would be the BEST people to welcome them!" Alice screamed and Rosalie smiled and nodded.

We began walking I could see everyone stare at me but I was used to it. We separated to go to our lockers promising to meet back up after first block to meet the new hot guys.

I opened my locker and felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Hey Bells. I've missed you. We should get together sometime." I was staring at one of my stalkers, Mike Newton.

"Sorry Mike I have a boyfriend." I really did have a boyfriend his name is Jacob Black. I met him on a vacation in Phoenix to see Renee. He is perfect, everything I want. But sadly he lives far away and we decided to stay together but see other people. I wasn't going to let Mike know that thought.

"Dammit! It's Tyler isn't it? He said he was gonna get you but I never thought he would!" Tyler, another stalker.

"No it's not Tyler or anyone at this school. He is a guy a met on vacation. Well got to go to class." I left without a goodbye.

I walked into Biology and everyone looked at me. I scanned the room no Alice or Rosalie. A new face caught my eye. He had bronze hair that hung on his head perfectly. He wore a tight White shirt with a leather jacket, and he had on gray skinny jeans with black converse. He was really hot and coming from me that was a major complement.

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