Donatello X Reader The Junkyard

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It was evening in New York City and you decided to head over to the turtle lair. You and Donatello have been boyfriend girlfriend for the past few months. Even though he would become busy in the lab working on something, he would take a break to spend some quality time with you. You entered the lair and just moments after came in, you heard a familiar scream followed by the orange branded turtle Michelangelo running toward you. You braced yourself for possible impact but instead he hid himself behind you with his hands firmly on your shoulders.

"Mikey what the-?" you said surprised.

"Mikey!" Raphael yelled as he came charging at you both. When he finally reached you two, he tried to maneuver his way around you to get a hold on his little brother. Michelangelo only moved himself away from his red masked brother while using you as a human shield.

"Using ______ as a shield, some ninja!" Raphael scoffed.

"I said I didn't mean to-Ahh!" Michelangelo shrieked.

"Oh you didn't mean to, you left a dent on my bike!" Raphael shouted as he was about to grab him.

Michelangelo moved away from his grasp, "It was an accident I swear!"

"Accident my foot, come here you little-!" Raphael growled while he tried to reach over you.

Then both brothers ran at full speed in circles around you and took off leaving you dizzy. You were about to fall backwards but someone caught you in time. You looked up and saw Leonardo looking down on you before he helped you back up.

"Hey _____, you ok?" Leonardo asked.

"I'm fine Leo but, what was that all about?" You asked taking a quick glance over your shoulder.

"Well, let's just say there's a very good reason you don't skateboard in the garage while Raph's working on his bike," Leonardo said.

Then a crash sounded off from one of the rooms followed by another famous Michelangelo scream.

"I'd better go and make sure they don't cause anymore damage," Leonardo said before he started to leave.

"Oh one more thing, do you know where Donnie is?" You quickly asked.

"He should be in his lab," Leonardo replied then left.

"Of course," you shrugged.

You went over toward the lab and walked in. You saw that he was sitting at his work table with a tiny screwdriver in one hand and a shell cell in the other. He also had a pair of magnifying goggles on his face. Donatello was so focused on his work he didn't even notice you coming in. You smiled as you walked over until you were just a couple of feet behind him.

"Hi Donnie," you said as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders from behind.

Donatello smiled, "Oh hi ______, when did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago, what are you up too by the way?"

Donatello took of his goggles, "Well I was making some modifications to the shell cell and hopefully make some more improvments."

"That sounds cool."

"Yeah and I was going to go to the junkyard to look for some parts, do you want to join me?"


Donatello put his tools away and went for a couple of flashlights and the keys to the turtle van.

"Hey Don, do you still have my worker gloves?" You asked.

"Yeah," Donatello replied before he went to one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of dark brown gloves. They were a little big for you but at least they're in good shape for use.

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