Donatello X Reader Astraphobia

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You and Donatello were currently sitting in the living room of your apartment having a chat. Your folks were out of town for the next few days, so you asked Donatello to come over and keep you company. The rest of the turtles would come over too, but Donatello would stick around a little longer. You didn't mind though, you've been crushing on the purple masked turtle for months now, he was smart, sweet, and cute. Donatello came over earlier today using his disguise whenever he needed to go up to the surface. He removed it when he arrived since he knew he didn't need to hide himself at your place and set it on an available chair along with his bo staff. At some point, you two were in the middle of watching a movie on TV for about an hour and a half until he noticed the time.

"Oh sorry ______, it's getting late I'd better get ready to go," Donatello said as he got onto his feet.

"Aww," you groaned, "Can't you stay a little longer?"


A sudden rumbling noise cut him off, Donatello went over to the window to take a peek through the blinds and saw that it was pouring rain. A few seconds later, a flash of lightning stretched across the sky and within moments the sound of thunder rolled over the city making the building shake. You shivered with anxiety as the thought of the storm taking place outside the apartment.

"Woah, it's really coming down out there," Donatello commented.

"Y-yeah it sure is," you replied trying not to sound nervous.

You've had a fear of thunderstorms since you were little, the thunder would get so loud you thought it would make the building collapse or being struck by a bolt of lightning.

Donatello shifted his attention toward you, "_______, would you mind if I stayed the night?"

You snapped out of your daze, "No, not at all."

He noticed you were looking a little uneasy, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," you quickly replied.

"If you say so, I'm going to call the guys and let them know I'm staying over."

"Ok, I'll go get you a blanket and pillow," you replied before you headed out of the living room.

You went to get the spare pillow and blanket from the hallway closet. You returned to place them on the floor and removed the cushions. Donatello had just finished his phone call and went over help to you pull out and unfold the hideabed from the couch. Then you picked up the pillow and blanket and set them on the bed. After that you went into your room to change into your pajamas which were a pair of shorts and a tank top. You went back out and saw that Donatello was about to settle in for the night.

He turned around and saw you standing there, "Oh hi _____."

"Hi, I just wanted to say goodnight."

Suddenly, there a loud crashing sound and the power went out leaving the room completely dark. You gasped and wrapped your arms around the terrapin's shoulders catching him off guard. He was about to say something then he noticed you were shaking with fear. Donatello placed his hands on your back and held you close.

"Shh...It's ok," he cooed still holding you.

You eventually calmed down, but you still had your arms around his shoulders.

"______, are you afraid of thunderstorms?" Donatello asked, you nodded.

Donatello patted your back, "Don't worry you're safer in here than outside."

You didn't reply but you still held onto the terrapin like your life depended on it. Having Donatello around made you feel safer and more at ease.

He thought for a moment and smiled, "Hey, do you want me to show you a little trick that'll help?"

"Ok," you murmured.

Donatello gently guided you over toward the window and parted the blinds slightly.

"What are you doing?"


About a couple minutes later, a bolt of lightning stretched across the sky and disappeared. You held on to Donatello's arm at the sight and shivered a little.

"1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi," Donatello mumbled.

Then a wave of thunder rolled through the air and everything became quiet with the exception of raindrops hitting the window.

You moved your gaze to Donatello, "What were you doing?"

"I'm counting how far away in miles the lightning struck. So that lightning blot struck about four miles away from here."


"Try it, it's kind of fun."

"Um ok," you replied and waited for the next lightning bolt to come into view. About a minute later, lightning appeared, and you started counting.

"1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi, 5 Mississippi," you mumbled.

Another wave of thunder came and gone and the one that just occured was about five miles away. After a while you had to admit, it did take your mind off your phobia and it actually was kind of fun. You and Donatello probably did the counting game for a while until the storm started to settle down for the night. It was getting very late and you were both feeling tired. You were about to retire to your room but you still felt a little anxious, so you worked up a bit of assurance to ask the purple masked turtle a question.

"Donnie, would it be alright if I stayed here with you for a while?"

"Sure," he replied and moved himself over.

Early the next morning, Donatello woke up a bit disoriented at first but realized that he had spent the night at your place due to stormy weather. He noticed you were still asleep and cuddled close to him. Your hands were resting against his plastron while your face was just a few inches from his. Donatello slowly moved his hand and brushed some stray hair off of your face. He thought you looked so peaceful and cute as you slept, he softly placed a kiss on your forehead. When he pulled away, he noticed your eyes fluttered open and looked up.


"Oh ______, morning."

"Morning" You smiled and paused for a second, "By the way, did you just kiss me?"

The terrapin's face flushed, "I um... Yeah."

You let out a soft giggle and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Donatello's face quickly became a few shades red, "W-what was that for?"

"For helping me get over my fear of thunder."

"N-no problem."

Everything fell silent in the room for a few moments until you both decided to get out of bed. The first thing you did was check to see if the power came back on and thankfully it did. You got dressed and went into the kitchen to prepare some eggs and toast for breakfast. Donatello took the moment to put the hideabed away including the extra pillow and blanket for you while you were cooking. When breakfast was ready, you two sat at the kitchen table and enjoyed your meal. As soon as the food you and Donatello were finished you placed the dishes into the sink for later. Afterward, Donatello went to change into his disguise and picked up his bo staff. Then you two went to the window Donatello came through, which was located in your room, and lead out to the fire escape.

"Thanks for letting me stay over and for making breakfast, it was really good," Donatello said.

"Anytime," you smiled.

He opened the window to your room and as he took a step outside he turned toward you, "One more thing, are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"Not really, why?"

"Do you maybe wanna go out with me tomorrow night?"

You gave a brisk nod, "Sure."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then," he said before he disappeared out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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