Hazel Eyes

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so this chapter will be in 3rd person I repeat 3rd person! only this chapter though, just because it will make more sense.

She stepped out of the car and looked around. They had just arrived in the small town called Rosewood. She had looked up the town a couple more times before we left and this small town is anything but small. So much has happened here, and not good stuff.

Such as missing girls gone dead to she's not dead to who's in her grave to her mothers been murdered. And that's only the surface.

Now back to reality, I'm actually here, the girl thought. Which is strange, it's a lot warmer than Manhattan but I guess that's a good thing. I'll defiantly have to buy a new wardrobe.

Naomi decided that She was hungry and had her family pull over by a little cafe. Thankfully they we're only about 15 minutes away from the new house. Which wasn't that bad, she's seen pictures and it's actually pretty nice. I guess you could say that she's starting to get excited.

Naomi walked into the little cafe and looked around. It was pretty cute. Along with being a cafe it was also a book store. The second you walked in through the door you could smell the musty paper and coffee beans and warm pastries in the oven. Three different scent mixed together to create one beautiful aroma.

She walked up to the register and ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and an upside down caramel macchiato. Which is a slice of heaven. The girl paid the nice lady behind the counter and looked around the shelves while she waited for her order. She had to say that they actually had some pretty good looking books here.

After Naomi's name had been called for her order she picked it up and went outside. Seeing at is was nice outside she wanted to enjoy the earth of the sun. In the corner of the patio she found a little metal table and sat down. Naomi began to munch on her food and sip on her drink when something caught her attention.

Across the street was a brown haired boy that was staring at her intently.

Across the street he could see Aria. He gave a small smirk to which she replied to with a blush and a smile. And at that moment he knew something was off. Aria doesn't blush nor would she ever smile back at his smug smirk. The Aria that he knew would have rolled her eyes and turned the other direction.

The boy now knowing that the familiar face across the street wasn't so familiar was very intrigued. Following his curiosity he walked across the street to the little cafe and up to the girl.

"Hey there prefer face" he said with a smirk

And once again she blushed "Hi" she giggled

"Now what is a beautiful girl like you doing alone out here?" He inquired

"Oh I just moved here actually, and my family is in the grocery store I think a couple of blocks back." Naomi replied with a smile

The brown haired boy knew at the moment she had said she was moving here that things would be very interesting from now on.

"Well beautiful hazel eyes, what's your name?" he flirted

"Heh Naomi, do I get the pleasure of knowing yours?" She asked with only the intention of making a new friend, not realizing that this boy may have a different idea.

"Why of course, my names Noel." he smirked "So did you move here to be by family?"

"Um no actually, my dads business moved here. I don't know anyone at all here" the hazel eyed girl sighed

"Nonsense! You know me." He smiled instead of smirked this time. "And I have a feeling that we could become good friends. You see here in Rosewood, you want to make some good allies and fast. Because there are some not so nice people"

"There are lots of those people everywhere." Naomi laughed

"Yeah? Well let's just say that here, they're 10 times worse." Noel laughed "Anyways what high school are you gonna go to?"

"Uhh Rosewood High? I think that's name, I'm not too sure" She softly laughed whilst taking another sip or her drink

"Oh that's nice, that's where I go too." he replied thinking about the interesting things that are going to go down soon. "Well when you get your schedule you should let me see if we have any classes together? That way you know at least one person there."

"Yeah? And how am I going to do that? Do I just look around for you?" she replied with a little bit of sass and a hinting tone.

"Sure, or you know I could always just get your number?" he said his face returning to all to famous smirk.

"Alright, but how do I know it's not just some bet to get my number and your not gonna blow me off?" Naomi laughed

"I promise." Noel laughed along with her.

They chatted for another 15 minutes or so getting to know each other and enjoying the intoxicating aroma of the coffee, baked pastries, and the wild daisies to the left of them in a planter mixing together.

When Naomi's family had arrived due to their promise to return to the small cafe off the side of the road 30 minutes ago.  She hopped back into the moving after saying goodbye to Noel and waving from inside the car. Leaving the cafe with a new made friend, a full stomach, and a new number to enter into her phone.

She smiled as she thought of the brunette boys promise, his kind smile, his suggesting smirk, his dark chocolate colored hair, and is beautiful blue eyes. As blue as the ocean and oh so pretty, she daydreamed.

Naomi's thoughts were once again interrupted that day, but this time by the buzz of her phone. Looking at the screen with a smile of her face and for once a look of hope on her face about this town and the move. But once her eyes had set upon the semi dim screen her smile vanished, but at least some of the hope was still there.

It was a text from the girls annoying and rude boyfriend Liam.

are you there yet? I haven't heard from you since the day before you left. I'd like to know if my girlfriend is ok... please call me.

It wasn't rude but it wasn't exactly a kind text that she had received. To any other person it may have seemed like a sweet text and this is was cute that he was concerned about Naomi's safety. But to Naomi herself she knew that the text meant no good. So she rode to her house with a worry inside of her about the conversation to come. Completely forgetting about the brunette boy she had left behind with the not so innocent plans in mind.

The boy on the other hand had not. For he was just starting to put into motion his plan. Hoping that this would cause drama and mean harm towards the four- five pretty liars that he knew oh so well. With a certain little brunette in mind.

In the back of his mind somewhere deep he didn't realize that he actually wanted no harm to come to the beautiful girl that owned the enchanting hazel eyes. The girl who held secrets and lies behind those exact same hazel eyes.

So that was my awful 3rd person chapter... I may have to do a few more of these in the future so I am so sorry.

although if for some crazy reason you liked that and want me to do more please comment

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