Team Sparia

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(So the dates won't all line up because this is my own story. I'm keeping lots of the details but I'm also changing lots. So don't be confused and be like "wait what this never happened" or "wait this was like forever ago")

It was the day after Alison had come back to school. I didn't even want to think about anything else but I couldn't help my mind. Alison should be my main concern right now. No more A. She's dead. I killed her.

So there were many things on my mind pushing their way to the front instead of Alison. Fist of all was the fact that Shana was A. Then there was the fact that I killed Shana/A. And there was also the huge fight with Ezra.

I had just started to truly fall for him. Then he goes and completely demolishes my heart. I seriously don't think think things could get worse right now.

There is nothing out there could make things worse. My mind is so full that I swear World War 3 is going on up there.

But I still had to go to school. And I still had to see him. I still had to deal with the fact that I killed Shana. And that A is gone. Shana was A. And that Alison really is back. The queen bee is back.

This made me wonder if things would go back to normal. Would she be stepping all over everyone again? Or is she completely forgotten? Is her legacy gone?

Argh all these thoughts and problems wee giving me a migraine. I went into the bathroom and grabbed an Ibuprofen. I took it with my cup of coffee.

I then grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I didn't need to say goodbye to anyone. Mike had left early for practice and my dad was out of town for business. As I was heading out the door I got a text from Spencer.

Hey can you come over to my house before school? We need a Sparia moment.

Oh how I love that weirdo. I quickly replied yes before getting in my car. On the drive over I swear I saw Shana.

But she can't be she's dead. I killed her.

The words kept ringing through my head. I killed her. I killed her. I KILLED HER. They got louder with every round. My head starting pounding and my heart began to race.

When my vision had gone blurry for a split second I swerved and almost hit an old lady. I saw her shake her cane at me and I heard a barely audible curse word. Dang she's one sour old lemon I thought to myself.

I arrived at Spencer's house moments later. When I walked up to her door I was just about to knock when her mom opened the door.

"Oh hi Mrs. Hastings" I said

"Hello Aria. Spencer's in her room." she replied in a bit of a hurry.

"Oh ok thanks." I replied. I don't know why but I always feel slightly nervous talking to her. I feel as if I have to be uber polite and sweet.

I walked inside and up the stairs. When I got to her room she was sitting on her bed with her laptop in her lap. I knocked on the door frame.

"Hey Spence. What's up?" I asked

"Hey! Umm so.... ok. Well.. Aria how are you?" she asked flustered.

"Spencer I'm fine what's up? You sounded like it was urgent." I said

"Aria I texted you. So I could sound urgent. And secondly, you don't sound urgent you MAKE IT sound urgent." she said matter-of-factly.

"Really... really Spencer? You ok it doesn't matter. But what's up? Like what's really up?" I replied. Jeez how she can annoy me.

"I'm-I'm just nervous. With Alison back I'm afraid things are going to go back to how they use to be. You know?" she said

"You mean with Ali bullying everyone. Slipping in insults to Hanna. Torturing Emily. Making me seem/ do horrible things. And fighting you for top dog?" I said kind of upset. "I'm worried too."

"No. I mean yes. But no. That wasn't my problem with Ali at all. She was always finding ways to blackmail me and threaten all of my relationships." She almost yelled. "Ugh! She just... I don't know.. And she never had a problem with you Aria. I think she liked you the most."

"I doubt that she always had me do evil things. Sabotage people." I sighed. "And I overheard some of your guys conversations. So I know that she thought you were out to get her and take her place."

"That's why people thought I killed her." She whispered. "Even I began to think that."

"Wait what?! Ok no we'll talk about this later. Because we're gonna be late to school. It started in 3 minutes." I said kind of rushed

"Crap! I have a test in AP history today! I can't miss that." She yelled

We grabbed our bags and ran down stairs. Spencer hopped into my car as it was easier to go together. I pulled out of her driveway and began my way towards school.

Spencer had a point though. The more I thought about it the more I realized that Ali was the nicest to me. Slowly teaching me her evil ways. It made me wonder if she was trying to turn me into a mini her.

Did Ali plan on making me her? I mean because of Ali I've changed. I used to be so sweet and honest. Now look at me. Lying is like my fist language now. She really has changed me. For good or bad though I just don't know.

But she's changed all of us. Some good and some bad.

We pulled up to school just as the bell rang. I ran in not wanting to be late again. We both went to our lockers then in separate directions without saying bye. But we were in a big hurry so it didn't matter.

I ran into my fist period and luckily the teacher was running late. None of the girls were with me in this class so I didn't have to be questioned. I sat down I my seat and breathes heavily.

I started to calm down and relax. My heart starts slowing down just as I started to daze off. I was staring into space and didn't even notice when the teacher entered the room.

I began to get deep into thought about what Spencer said. About Ali and about our past. My mind kept flowing and all these thoughts came into my head. Some good some bad and some just awful.

In the midst of my thoughts my phone buzzed. I reached into my pocket and grabbed it. Pulling it out of my pocket and glancing at my screen I gasped. So loud that the people looked at me worried. I couldn't believe it. NO NO NO!
This cannot be happening!

yo yo yo it's me again lol. ok but time to get serious so PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS ITS LIFE OR DEATH. ok not really but yeah

so this story is gonna kinda be interactive you could say. I will be needing and wanting a lot of your input here. because I know how I want it to go and where but there are things that I want your guys opinions on. and your opinions and inputs will matter here very much.

so first off I know this is really early but now is when your ideas are needed. do you want Ezra and Aria to be together or Ezra and Naomi???


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