The Liam Thing

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"Liam, hey" I said nervously. After receiving his text that said 'call me asap' I did.

"Why weren't you at school again today?" he inquired

"Oh umm I was packing up you know? Getting ready for the move and all." I stated

"Jesus Christ Naomi! If you're moving why don't you come to school so that I can actually see you?" he yelled

"I'm sorry Liam I just really need to pack and actually be ready for the move." I sighed

"I know I'm sorry I just really don't want you to go. I'm gonna miss you babe." He replied

"Oh yeah, umm about that. I was thinking that maybe we should just br-" I was trying to say when he cut me off.

"Yeah me too you know? This long distance thing is gonna be hard. But, we can do it alright? The power of love!" He chuckled in a sad way.

"Wait what? Liam I was about to say that maybe we should break things off. I'm going to be over 3,000 miles away. And I bet that you don't want the burden of thinking 'oh I have a girlfriend that I can never see but I still love her even though I talk to her occasionally. And now I can't date other girls'" I argued

"I will never feel that way asking as you don't feel that way with me. Okay? And you better stay loyal, or else things really are gonna get difficult."  he said in a menacing tone.

"Yeah- um alright." I stuttered "well I really do have to get going now I'm watching my sister so uhh bye" then I hung up

God this can't get any worse. Liam and I have been dating for almost 2 years. And it's not that I don't like him, cause I do, I just wouldn't say that I love him. Although I may say it to him I've never really felt that way.

Liam is extremely over protective and can be hostile at times. He's not the nicest person in world to say the least. He's also co-captain of the baseball team. Which in hand makes him fairly popular. You see at my school baseball is the sport instead of football. It's strange and everyone thinks so. I mean you would think that one of the most popular boys would date like a cheerleader not some shy girl from the photography club.

I never really fit in with the crowd either, but dating Liam defiantly gave me a little boost in the popular scale. Not that I minded, I just was never concerned with being popular. I enjoy kinda staying by my self and not being involved in the latest school gossip. I don't really care if Jenny fucking Branson got a job. Or if Brett Dunbar slept with Lexi Sawyer. See it's all just pointless stuff.

After ending my phone call with Liam I turned my attention back to the movie. Bree was still asleep next to me. She had stirred while I was on the phone and is now curled up resting her head on my lap.

I pried out of her grasp once the movie had ended. I then picked her up and carried her to her room. While I was walking up the stairs I reminisced about the countless times I'd done this in the past. I'm even going to miss the damn staircase here.

I turned the corner and proceeded to set her down in her bed and laid the covers over her little body. For being 9 Bree was still really small. I studied her for a bit, not in a creepy way, but in admiring way. How much she's grown and how much she still will grow.

I then began to notice how we looked nothing alike. She had dirty blonde hair and blue green eyes. I had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She had a thinner and pointier nose where I had a wider and shorter bridge. She looked just like our parents and I didn't. She obviously has my mothers hair, eyes, and her lips. She had my fathers jawline, eye shape, and smile.

Where as I guess you could say I sort of have my fathers hair but I don't have his green eyes. See I have softer lips, stronger jawline, and rounder head. Well it wasn't oval.

How had I not noticed these things years before? I look nothing alike the people I live with and call family. I'm the freaking red headed step child.

I finally left Bree in her room to sleep and gently shut the door. Walking down the hallway on the way to my room I looked at all of our family pictures. I really didn't look anything like them. I stood out so much. Except for the year and a half or so when my mom died her hair brown when I was Bree's age.

I made to the end of the hall and turned into my room. Once again I closed the door gently just as a precaution. Looking around I picked up a few thinks that I had missed while packing. The only things left were the essentials.

My bed, dresser, mirror, clothes, beauty products, the majority of my bathroom stuff, and a calendar hanging on my wall counting down the days. A constant reminder of how little time I had left before I had to say goodbye to this beautiful place once and for all.

Nearing the end of the seventh day before I had to go. By now it was 5 o'clock and my parents should be home any minute. Well at least they usually are when they have to stay late. Since I figured they would be home soon I decided that it wouldn't hurt to be somewhat nice to them.

I went downstairs to prepare a small meal for them. By no means can't because- well I'm a terrible cook. So I went to the pantry and pulled out some tomato soup and then grabbed some bread and cheese. Grilled cheese and tomato soup it was. Pure simplicity and deliciousness in one.

It took me about 15 minutes to prepare. And my parents still weren't home by then. Getting worried I decided to text my mother.

Hey where are you guys? Shouldn't you be home by now? It read

Yes sweetie I'm sorry I got held up in a meeting. Some idiot decided that he needed 2 hours to explain a 4 slide PowerPoint. And dad should be home shorty too. She replied.

I then responded with a k as I heard the garage door open signaling my fathers return. He walked through the door and set him brief case down by the door and removed his shoes. He then proceeded to hang up his jacket and loosen his tie.

"Hey dad, I made dinner." I said

"Naomi... you can't cook." he said stated

"Oh my god dad, it's tomato soup and grilled cheese." I laughed

"Well at least we know that you won't completely starve your self to death." he laughed along with me.

We had been sitting at the counter eating and having small talk for about 5 minutes before my mom walked in. She as well came in the door hung up her coat, took if her heels, and set down her purse.

"Hey sweety." she said kind of talking to both my father and I.

"Hey mom there's still some food left, but you may need to microwave it." I stated gesturing to the food on the stove.

"Oh- you made food?" she asked nervously.

"Oh my god. What is it with you two and me making food. I am perfectly capable of making food and feeding myself and others." I defended myself

"Oh no dear, we're not being rude. We're just stating the obvious." she shyly smiled.

I gave her a questioning look before my dad answered my expression.

"She means the obvious thing is that you can't cook worth shit." he laughed

"Ugh! I can too. But you know what, it's easier when two make me food anyways. So let's just continue with that. Okay?" I half yelled and I walked out of the room and up the stairs.

And once again I went to go hide in my all too familiar room. I laid down on my bed covered with a soft blanket and fluffy pillows. I began to think about today.

About the Liam thing. About my beautiful little sister. About how I supposedly can't cook. And about leaving my home. I know that I am technically moving into a new house, but it will never be home. So I began to feel like Oliver, homeless with no where to go. Worried about the future and trying to fit in. I slowly started to drift into a deep sleep and was thankful I had gotten ready for bed earlier. I knew that going to sleep would bring me a clear mind free of the daily stress of life.

But what I didn't know is that this next week is going to turn my life upside down.

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