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Pure darkness. It was all that I could see. Like I was in some kind of void, or a pit or darkness, or something. I looked around and spun in circles, finally I as able to seem something. But it wasn't what I was hoping for.

To my right appeared a mirror. One that resembled a looking glass. Tall and round, the shape of a large oval. From a distance it showed nothing, there was no reflection. I was extremely curious and began to slowly walk to the strange mirror.

When I finally reached it I saw a reflection of my self. Expect I was wearing different clothes and my hair was slightly shorter. I looked down at my self to make sure that my own appearance hadn't changed. Which it hasn't, so then why is my reflection different?

I looked again at the mirror and studied the details more this time. It was definitely me, but at the same time definitely not me. I waved my right hand to see if my so called reflection would also wave it's right hand. It did which only freaked me out more. I tucked a pieces of hair behind my ear while watching the reflection.

This time my actions were not copied. The reflection got a shocked facial expression and put their hands up to their mouth. Which I had not done. I looked again and moved around some more. Experimenting to see if I was loosing my mind or not.

I took another step forward and reached out to the mirror. I was centimeters away from touching the cold glass. We both were about to touch the mirror in the same place. I kept going and-

"NAOMI!! Get up now." my mom hollered

I jerked up from my bed and strange dream. That was freaky I thought to myself. As I got up and began to get ready I wondered if it had any meaning to it. The idea roamed around in my head for a good 25 minutes- well the time it took me to get ready.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a banana from the kitchen and looked around to find my family spread about the same room. Bree had this sparkle in her eye. She was full of excitement and you could tell it was buzzing in her with just one look.

"Morning" I mumbled still not happy about the fact that I'm up at 4 in the morning.

"Aren't you excited?" asked my mother

"Yeah Omi yeah! Its just so exciting I might just die!" Bree squealed

"Who put extra sugar in her front loops?" I asked

"Did you know that coffee is nasty?" she said really fast

"Is that where the rest of my coffee went Bree? I though that your mom drank it" my father accused

I just busted out laughing thinking about the fact that my little sister and snuck my fathers coffee and that he had thought my mother did it. My parents began to look at me like I was possessed because I was actually laughing at 4 am.

In case you're wondering I'm up at 4 am, it's because today is the day. Today is the last day at my home, today is the day that we move. The last things were thrown into the moving van last night. So we had been sleeping on air mattresses for the past two nights, with me and Bree sharing one.

4 am and we leave this house at 5 am. I have 1 hour left in the place I've called home for my whole life. Then I get to leave and spend the rest of my life- or till I leave for college- in a new home. I mean if you think about it, it is a pretty good opportunity. Right? Most people don't get to move across the country and try out new cultures and things. That's a positive side I guess.

After I had finished my banana I waked back upstairs into my room to pack my last bag. This bag had the necessitates for the past couple of days and the trip to Pennsylvania. So basically it had spare clothes, makeup, hair products, and shower essentials. I threw my pajamas and everything else that I had taken out of the duffle bag back into it. After putting away the pillows, blankets, and air mattress that had been used as make shift beds I was ready to go. Physically ready, but not emotionally. I will couldn't believe that I was leaving, no matter how many times I've said it.

"Bree!" I hollered down the stairs awaiting her arrival.

I heard her little feet patter across the floor and stomp up the stairs as she spoke "Yeeees?" she dragged out.

"Come get the rest of your stuff packed up, we need to leave soon." I stated

"Ugggghh! But can't you just do it? I don't want to." she moaned

"No. No I cannot. Bree I'm your sister not your freaking maid. No room service here dear." I dead panned "So get your lazy ass off of the floor, and pack up."

Bree then gasped after what I had said, "MOOOOM! Naomi swore!"

"Woopdy doo" I sighed

"Bree she's old enough to say those words. Naomi calm your mouth please we don't want your sister catching onto your habits a little too early." My mother laughed as she walked up the stairs and into her own room to pack up herself.

My little sister replied to my moms comment with a glare directed towards me. After sighing she bent down and began to throw her stuff into her pink Hello Kitty backpack. Once she had finished with her load of stuff- which was actually a lot more than what I had to my surprise- she stepped back.

Then turning on her heel she sauntered out of the room. Once she was in the hall she quickness her pace up just slightly.

"Hey!" I yelled after her " I AM NOT your pack mule Bree."

"Giddy up horsey" she giggled skipping down the hall "Yeeehaw!"

"Breanne Laurene Richardson! Get your effing ass up here this instant you no good piece of-" I screamed

"Naomi! Shut your mouth before I wash it out with soap." My mother cut me off walking into my room "I forbid you to talk to your sister like that, especially when I know she'll con complaining to me later."

"Yeah yeah alright." I sighed "So when are we leaving to our inevitable doom?"

Her response was great, if I say so my self. I was returned with a death look, sigh,- and ooh ooh the best part- an eye roll. 10/10

Hey sorry it took so long to update and that its so short;-; I started school a couple of weeks ago and I'm just overwhelmed with homework and now I'm on the soccer team... so that takes up more time

but I will try to update more, and I would like your guys input on this okie?

picture of her mom attached and if you don't know it IS Vivian from AHS

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