Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

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I walked into the front door of our new house. The smell of wood cleaner and fresh carpet hit my nose immediately. This smelt nothing like home, it was too sanitary and clean.

The movers had already brought it and set up some of our furniture like the couches, televisions, and beds. Although there was no doubt in my mind that my mom would be wanting to rearrange it all. Her and her obsession with Feng shui, whatever the hell that even is.

I looked around for a bit until I found the bedrooms. I found the biggest and most private one I could find and claimed it. And by claiming I mean I stuck a pink sticky note with my name on it that I had been carrying around throughout the house on the door.

It was a big house I could say that. Well only because I'm already lost in it... and me being me I decided to call my mom.

"Naomi why on earth are you calling me? We're in the same house." she sighed

"Yes indeed we are. You see the house we are both in is very pretty and large and it has many hallways." I trailed off

She sighed "You're lost aren't you?"

"Oh why yes indeed I am my dear. And you see I have to idea where I am." I stated

"Oh my ok. Well where are you?" She asked

"Um by a door."

"Naomi there are like 30 doors."

"It leads to a bedroom."

"Na- ugh. Ok well what stands out about said bedroom."

"It has a pink sticky note with my name on the door." I replied stupidly

"Na-mmm" She said right before the line went dead.

She hung up on me. But why oh why would she ever do that? I mean I wasn't being sarcastic at all...

Then an idea popped into my head that I though was just brilliant.

"MARCO!" I shouted. I waited a couple of seconds.

"POLO!" Shouted back my wonderful little sister Bree. From there I followed her voice and did a couple more rounds of Marco Polo before I found my dearest sister.

"Why hello there." I laughed

"Naomi this house is huge. And very confusing, I'm too blonde for it." she giggled

"You lost too?"

"Nooooo...." silence "Ok maybe just a little bit"

"Well my child, so am I. So we can escape the labyrinth together!" I shouted the last part throwing my hand in the air pointing.

"I am not your child, I'm your sister you sicko." Bree giggled

"Well then, dearest sister. Whoever gets out of the house first wins!" I shouted before we both took off running in different directions.

I heard her go running around the corner behind me while I turned down another hall. I ran by a series of white doors that we're all identical opening them all to see the contents that they his behind them. Bedroom, study, bathroom, storage.

In the end I ended up where I started. Back at the door with the pink sticky note. Right then I remembered that while I was picking my room this one had a window. A large window at that, which also faced the front yard.

In order to win I ran up to that window opened it and hopped onto the roof. At this moment I was very thankful for doing tumbling and gymnastics when I was little. The view on the roof was also spectacular. I could see all of the small little town and the trees abundantly scattered around. The bright greens were fading into a beautiful mix of bright reds oranges and yellows. The air smelt faintly of cinnamon for a reason that I didn't quite understand. Along with the smell of cinnamon was also the the crisp smell of, well the air in general. It was so clean and fresh compared to the Manhattan air that I had become accustomed to. The air it's self in Rosewood was a new experience that I can already tell I am going to love.

So I guess this town wasn't going to be all that bad. So far in the barely hour I've been here I've made a new friend, said friend was also a cute boy, and I've found something that may become my new favorite smell.

I snapped back into reality and quickly did a flip off of the roof. Surprisingly landed it on the lawn without injuring myself. I imagined this is what it would feel like to be a vampire or or something of the sort. Being able to to acrobatic and angelic swift movements without having to think about it twice.

"Naomi... did you just jump off of the roof?" asked my father.

"Hum?" I asked blinking out of my daze.

"Did you. Just jump. Off of. The roof?" he asked enunciating each word acting as if it would make more sense to me.

"There's a possibility.. why do you ask?"

"I know you did so there's no possibility. I saw you don't play coy." he sighed

"Dad why do you even care?" I nearly snapped, "I'm not going off and jumping off bridges for christs sake."

"Don't use that tone with me," he said surprisingly calm, "I just don't want your sister catching onto your bad habits. Speaking of which where is that coffee thief that I call a daughter?"

"She's probably still inside, we both got lost and made it a race to see who could get out first." I stated

"You got lost in the house?"

"Well it's the first time I've been in there, new place means I get lost."

"You don't get lost as every new place Naomi."

"Dad, yes I do. Do you remember when they switched around stores and added a new one at the mall?"

"Yes, of course I do. It was all you talked-well complained about for two weeks."

"And that would be because I got lost in it... for three hours."

"You usually spend three or more hours in the mall anyways."

"Yes, shopping! Not trying for remember where the hell you are." I laughed

After that my dad and I laughed for a little bit longer when Bree came running out of the front door. She told us that mom had made lunch. So we went and ate the fabulousness food that my mom had made, BLTs.

During lunch I talked with my sister. The first thing I asked after I had taken two enormous mouthfuls of my sandwich was about how long it took her to get out of the maze we will now call home. According to her, it took for fluffing ever. Which my mom then scolded her for her use of words meaning a swear word. To which I sighed and rolled my eyes. And according to my mom, it was about five minutes before she came out to call us to lunch.

I knew that that meant I had gotten out of the house about five minutes before. Which meant that I won, so in turn I got to pick the movie we were going to watch tonight.

Bree and I have this thing. Almost every night, so when we can, we watch a movie. It's always a huge battle about what movie we watch and who gets to pick it. So whenever we make a bet, challenge, race, or any sort of competition we don't bet money. The winner gets to pick the movie.

And since I won and I got to pick the movie, I picked my all time childhood favorite movie.

Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

I know I'm childish, but hey who doesn't love shrek. So on went the movie, in went the popcorn, and our came the pillows and blankets. The smell of buttery popcorn, new house, the familiar smell of our old home and belongings, and the new smell of cinnamon from the air of Rosewood seeping through the cracked window mixed together to create this bliss. A beautifully relaxing and calming combination. Enough to send my sister right to sleep after the movie.

While she once again fell asleep during out movie session, I was left to think. And the one thing on my mind was how I forgot to call Liam. And then I set into panic. The calming and relaxing feeling that I was feeling just moments earlier was taken over by panic worry and alarm. And not for the first time in my life I feared for tomorrow. I feared for when I had to make the inevitable phone call. I feared for when I had to hear him yelling at me saying that it's just him caring. I feared him.

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