Call Me Professor

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Whenever Chiron calls me up to the Big House, the first thing in my mind is usually:'Oh, no We have to save the world again. But when I saw Annabeth, Nico, Jason, Piper and Leo there, with smiles on their faces, I chose to think differently.

"Seaweed Brain, you're late." Annabeth says as I make my way over to her and kiss her on the cheek quickly.

"That's why you love me Wise Girl." I reply,

"Why are we here?" Piper asks.

"You only care 'cause you were makin' out with Jason." Leo says, I'm starting to like this guy more and more every day.

No seriously, the kid was growing on me.

"Children," Chiron says stoming his hoof to regain order, "I have called you here today on the order of the gods. There are other magical people other than us."

"What are you talking about Chiron?" Annabeth asks exasperatedly, with a cute tinge of curiousity. Wake up Perce, no getting lost in Annabeth's eyes. Or drooling!

"One thing that she doesn't know." Jason points out,

"You got a problem with it?" I ask giving Jason my deluxe kill-you-later glare. Jason cowers back in his chair muttering incoherent no's.

"There are wizards and witches. You being some of our strongest demigods will teach them about the gods." Chiron says,

"Chiron, listen as much as I respect your opinion and stuff, are you sure we'd be good teachers? I don't really have the best track record with schools." I say trying to back Chiron off of his trail.

"It has been settled." Chiron says raising his voice a little.

"I'm not going." Leo says his nose catching on fire.

"Lemme get that." I say squirting some water on his nose.

"Percy, you are required by the gods to do this. Many years ago Hecate gave four mortals certain powers of her. Now their descendants have forgotten about us and it's your job to teach them. You leave at dawn. Now if you'll excuse me I have initiation for the newer campers." Chiron says trotting off.

"I'm goin' to the beach." I say getting up,

"Only Percy." Leo says smirking,

"Perseus Achilles Jackson, you will pack." Annabeth says in a 'don't mess with me, or I swear I'll kill you' tone

"But, Annabeth -" I whine,

"Go pack or no kisses." Annabeth threatens me. She knows I can't live without her kisses. That's like telling Leo not to build anything, or taking peanut butter from Tyson.

"Fine." I say trudging back to my cabin. When I get to Cabin 3, I grab a random duffle bag, and grab a handful of clothes from each drawer stuff it in there.

Ater around five minutes I think I'm ready so I go to the beach. Take my, advice always do what Annabeth says.

A naiad is floating just above the water when I see the lake. She waves to me and I run to the water. I jump into the water and my clothes stay dry. Best and worst day ever.


"Who can tell me about Greek gods?" Headmistress McGonagall asks at breakfast. I wait for Hermione's hand to shoot up, but it never does.

"That they don't exist." Malfoy jokes. There's a roar of laughter from the Slytherin table.

"They very much do exist. How do you think we got our powers. Ten points from Slytherin." McGonagall continues as if the comment was never made.

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