New Year, New You

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Rachel POV
This summer has been absolutely stressful. Not only am I paying rent but I'm taking care of Beth and my dad's are getting a divorce. Life is just great. Oh, and too top it all off, Finns been trying to get back together all summer long. As if he already didn't screw me over by getting me pregnant. Anyways, I still have people helping me now and then, but now it's time to head back to high school for junior year. I'm not trying out for Cheerios this year, as much as I want too, I can't. Being a Cheerio takes time, and I don't have any of that, I'm already risking it to be in glee. On glee days after school Shelby takes care of Beth, during the day, daddy watches over. Finn has football practice and he started up practice late July. He still come by and sees Beth. Everything's been ok.
Finn POV
Ahhhhh, junior year. The year I win over Rachel's heart. I know she wanted space and all, but I want to be there every step of the way for her and Beth. I'm determined to make Rachel mine. She might not see it now, but I know I can make her fall in love with me again. So I'm ready for junior year, especially because I made quarterback again. That should just help me more with Rachel. I know how much she likes a guy in uniform, if you know what I mean. 
During school
Rachel POV
I haven't seen anyone all day. I know I won't see Santana or Britney because they're at cheer camp for one more week, and Kurt has been MIA since he last visited Beth. Mercedes is dating sam and I don't want to interrupt that, and Tina's, well, she's Tina. Finn is obviously not an option to hang out with.

"Hey loser, guess who got head Cheerio and is president of a club in which you're obviously not welcomed anymore" I hear

What the hell? I thought me and this bitch we're fine. Guess not

"Let me guess, you Quinn" I turn around to face her
"That's right and this year I plan to make your bastard child one father short" she snarls

I was perfectly fine with her getting everything I wanted, but once she brings in Beth it is on. So.....I go up to her and slap her, this takes her by surprise so she just clutches her cheek.

"What the hell whore! Forget to close the doors to your legs again!???" She yells angry

That's it this bitch is asking for it, I grab her stupid blonde ponytail

"Talk about my daughter again, and I will end you, and by the way, I don't care if you go after Finn, We're NOT TOGETHER" I yell in her ear

With that I walk away, but I find I'm not satisfied, since I kind of, sort of, like really don't, want her to go after Finn. I walk back to find her in shock and furious and I whisper

"By the way, I know how to close the doors, unlike you whose open 24/7" I say in her face

She just opens her mouth in shock, and I walk away, proud of my defeat, Santana would totally be high fiving me right now. I just don't get Quinn. She was fine with puck, and now she's a complete bitch again. Maybe he dumped her sorry ass. Whatever not my problem.
Glee time
Finn POV
I walk in almost late and find only a couple of people. Where the hell is everyone? I see Rachel front and center as usual, writing in her notebook. God, she's so smart and beautiful. I'm determined that by the end if this year, I'll be sitting right next to her. I take a seat along the back row next too puck. We're kind of cool, after regionals he was able to make bro talk, but then Rachel went into labor and it got weird between us.
Rachel POV
Everyone is already talking about my confrontation with Quinn earlier. As Finn walked in I saw him notice me, I tried to completely block him out but I could feel his eyes staring at my back. It feels so empty. The bell rings and mr.schue walks in.

"Hey guys.......where's everybody" he asks scanning the room
"Santana and Britney are at cheer camp, they won't be back till next week" I hear Kurt pipe up

Huh, first time I've seen him all day. I see Blaine, the exchanged student next to him. Now I know why I haven't seen him all day. When he watched Beth with me last week he finally told me who his summer fling was. Quinn walks in

"How's the red cheek Quinn?" I hear Mercedes say smug

No one really ever like Quinn

"Shut up!" Quinn said sitting as far away from me
"Hey she was just trying to be nice she could've just asked how Rachel beat your ass" Artie said laughing at the last part
"Guys we do not condone violence" mr.schue interrupted
"I was just defending my kid" I say crossing my arms

Finn puts a hand in my shoulder

"Why? What happened?" He asked worried with a hint of anger
"Calm down, as you can see I took care of it" I say pointing to Quinn's bruised cheek
"Can you believe she hit me Finn?" Quinn asked trying to look sexy, but she just look constipated
"Quinn are you ok? You look like you need to use the bathroom" Tina asked

We all just snickered

"Alright guys, let's get back on track" Mr.Schue interrupts

Quinn looks like she wants to chop Tina's head off. I just smile, for once that girl actually said something true.

"Shut it Asian eyes" Quinn yells
"Why are you stating the obvious, do you need your head checked?" Tina asked

Quinn grunts in frustration. Damn she is on a roll. I just put my hand behind my head and Tina high fives it. That's how it's done.

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