District 8 - The Female Tribute

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 I rub the wood together furiously, determind to produce a spark. I barely escaped the bloodbath earlier, but I didn't get any supplies - so now I'm stuck. I now wish I'd paid even a slight bit of attention to what that instructor said about survial techniques a couple of days ago. But now it's too late.

 I improvise, and soon my patience is rewarded. A fire begins to burn on the dry leaves and wood that I collected earlier, and soon the promising lull of sleep begins to take hold. I watch, powerlessly, as my eyelids close, and I soon fall into a deep sleep.

 I awake suddenly to the sound of raised voices just moments away. The smoky aroma, reminants of my fire, hits my nose almost instantly.


 How could I be so stupid?

 They're onto me before I can escape. There's about five of them, but that's four more than I have on my side. Four more that want me to die.

 I scream as I feel the sword slit my pale skin, but then the pain starts to thin. I act dead, hoping that they will leave me alone. Maybe I can survive.

 After a while, I hear heavy footsteps leaving the clearing.

 I don't count on the cannon ratting me out. I don't count on one of them coming back to finish me off. I don't count on dying for real. But then again, I don't really count on anything. I never did, and now, I never will.

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