3. Hermione Granger

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I do not plan on making this a dramione story, but I thought it would mean much to him if he could have some sort of friendship with her. if it was a love story, you guys would know.



It was around dusk. I was sitting in a distant corner, near Kings Cross. Crying my heart out and didn't even know why. I guess all the emotions and all the similarities between muggles and myself were overwhelming.

I sobbed quietly and then I heard steps. People were walking far from here, therefore the steps coming towards me confused me. I looked up and saw a very familiar face. A young lady whom I have been mistreating for years appeared in front of me. Hermione Granger. I immediately turned my face away from her.

"Malfoy, is that you?"

I didn't answer. I waited for her to think it was someone else and leave. But she insisted and asked again, this time louder, as if I didn't hear her for the first time. "Malfoy?"

"What is it that you want, Granger?" I asked with my back to her, I didn't want her to see that I was crying until now.

She took a step back. "Nothing, I was just trying to be nice and say hi.."

I feel so bad for bullying her all these years. When I was in the woods and was thinking about everything and everyone, I couldn't help but think of how close minded I was when it came to muggle borns, especially her. Letting her see me in that vulnerable situation was humiliating and not because she is a muggle born, but because I always acted like the biggest arsehole ever when she deserved better.

After everything that I saw in Kings Cross, and the connection I felt with muggles, I thought that maybe they're not so different from me, and after that realization it was hard to be mean to them, even though when I was mean to them, it was usually not because I actually hated them, but because of my father.

I turned around to face Hermione and by the look on her face I knew immediately that she can tell that I was crying.

"Draco, were you crying? Your eyes are all puffy, what happened?" she asked with a soft voice and sat beside me. I didn't look at her. I couldn't.

Instead, I stared at the horizon, where the sun started to set.

"I'm sorry." It was all I could say.

"For what?" she asked in a surprised voice.

"For all of the bruises I've caused. And for all the times that I was mean to you, and made you cry. I'm so ashamed." I still didn't look at her.

She didn't say anything. We just sat there. Then I felt her arm on my shoulder, and looked down to see her other hand reaching for me to shake it. I looked at her, confused.

She saw that, and said "Friends?"

I took her hand and shook it hesitantly.

"I know you didn't mean any of the things you said. You are better than that."

We sat there for about 10 minutes until she said "I'm sorry for being rude, but I must go. Ron is waiting for me back home." And then she hugged me. I don't know why, but she did.

She apparated and was gone with a flash.

I remembered what she said. I couldn't get it out of my head. I am better that.

Am I?

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