5. Goodbyes

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I sat on that bench for Merlin knows how long. It was really dark, I guess it was around midnight, almost no muggles were out or anywhere near Kings Cross. Then, out of nowhere, appeared a triple decker vehicle. The Knight Bus.

A lanky man walked out and called "Draco Malfoy?"

"Who's asking?" I asked suspiciously without looking at him.

"Stanly Shunpike. The Knight Bus conductor. But you can call me Stan." He said without looking up from the Daily Prophet.

I then turned around and immediately recognized him. One of father's friends freed him from Azkaban before the war begun. He was on our side, but only because he was under the Imperius curse. I didn't know that the ministry let him get back to his job. I didn't think he recognized me. If he did, he hid it very well.

"I don't intend to be rude, but what do you want Stan?" I asked quietly. I was not in the mood for anyone to speak with me. Remembering that white dog really made me sad.

"We assist stranded individuals from the wizarding community through public transportation." He sounded as if he learnt those lines by heart.

"Yes, I already knew that. But what is your point?"

"My point is that you're a young wizard wondering around with nowhere to stay in. And it's my job to find you somewhere to sleep in." he said as though it was obvious.

I guessed it might help me. It was late and I was tired from that exhausting day, I needed to rest somewhere. "Okay then." I said and got on the bus.

It took me to the Leaky Cauldron. I got a room there and laid on the bed for about 5 minutes, until I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to a knocking sound on my window. I got up and saw an owl with a letter attached to his leg. He was knocking on my window so he could give it to me.

I opened the window and grabbed the letter. It had the official ministry sign on it. Oh god, it had to mean something bad. I opened the letter.

Mr. Draco Malfoy.

It is hard for us to inform you that your father, Lucius Malfoy, is being executed this evening for misbehaving as a prisoner. If you would like, we can arrange a meeting between the two of you, for any last goodbyes. If you would like so, send this letter back with the owl. We are sorry for your loss.

That was everything it said. I thought about for a few minutes and decided I should probably go. We have to solve a few things, and maybe it's the first step to solving myself.

I sent the letter back and within 15 minutes, someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see a young witch, looking very formal.

"Mr. Malfoy, I am Alexandra. I work for the ministry and I am here to take you to visit you father for the last time." She said in a formal voice.

"Mr. Malfoy is my father. Call me Draco if you would." I said in a low voice.

"I am very sorry." She didn't sound like it. She reached for my hand and as soon as she touched me, I felt the horrible feeling of apparition.

We landed in a dark and a very cold hallway. In front of us were a lot of different doors. It all looked very familiar. I assumed we were in the ministry. She opened the door that was the closest to us and there he was. Sitting behind a table with handcuffs, facing me. He didn't look at me.

I walked in as Alexandra told me "If you need any help just yell, I'm out here." I nodded to her and she closed the door behind me.

I sat across from him and only then he looked up. He had very dark circles under his eyes, and he hadn't shaved in a long time. He was much skinnier as well, his cheeks looked sunken in.

"What are you doing here?" he said in a dark voice.

"I am here to say goodbye." I said dryly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"You are a weak human being, Draco. You are not worthy of anything. No good. No bad. Nothing. NOTHING. What did you think, that the world will forgive you for everything that I made you do?" He finally said.

I didn't answer. I didn't look at him either.

"Answer me, you fool! Did you really think for a second that you deserved anything? Did you come here to see your father and rejoice his death? Answer me!" and then he slapped me. "Say something, you little unfaithful and ungrateful prick!" he slapped again.

Yet I didn't answer. He didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve it. I got up to leave. When I reached the door I turned around and looked him dead in the eye.

"Goodbye father. See you in hell."

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