Chapter 3

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Dedicated to tamara19

Picture of Megan -------->

So far my first week seemed to be going great. Rachel and I were growing closer every day, and would spend all of our free hours between classes comparing likes and dislikes, including our thoughts on the guys in our class. From what I’ve gathered, she has completely different tastes in men than I, which personally I think is a good thing. The only man we couldn’t disagree on was Professor Bailey; there is no denying that that man is God’s gift to women and men worldwide.

Before I knew it Thursday was upon us and I was getting ready for my cinema date with Rachel and Megan, whom I had invited to come along when I found out she too wanted to see Django.

“Why can’t I come too?” Jamie had been sat on my bed whining about not being invited for the last ten minutes. I carried on fussing over my hair and sighed, “Because Megan decided she wanted it to be a girl’s night and I can’t be arsed to argue with her. If you want to go so badly then go pester her!” I heard him grumble before leaving my room in search of Megan.

I had a feeling his sudden desire to come on a girl’s night out with us had something to do with the gorgeous little dimple-cheeked brunette coming with us, but I couldn’t be sure. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Jamie it’s that he loves the ladies.

Once I’d managed to make my hair resemble a fish plait and had put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara, I gave myself a once over in the mirror and nodded before heading out. I’d put on a pair of ripped jeans and a tight Jimmy Hendrix t-shirt that I’d cut and amended in order for it to fall off my shoulder. To top off my ensemble I wore my Timberlands and messed up my fish plait. Don’t get me wrong I love to dress up and look pretty in a dress occasionally, but I find this look suits me best, inside and out.

As I walked into the living room I heard an exasperated Megan, “Fine! You can come as long as you don’t scare off any guys at the bar later”, she rolled her eyes as he fist pumped the air but I could see a small smile at the corner of her lips.

I clapped my hands once to get their attention, “Right guys we need to go, Rachel will already be there!” I exclaimed, suddenly excited at the prospect of getting out and about and having a cheeky beer later.

We came out of the cinema a couple of hours later chattering away about the film and how good it had been. I always feel very surreal after coming out of the cinema, especially if you go in when it’s still light and come out when it’s dark.

Jamie had been flirting non-stop with Rachel and I from the beginning. I didn’t mind though, he and I have a sort of playful banter that we know won’t amount to anything, but I think Rachel was feeling slightly overwhelmed by it. She was rosy cheeked from the moment we met her at the doors and he kissed her hand, he’s such a charmer!

You might have noticed I didn’t mention him flirting with Megan, that’s because he’s known her so long he sees her as a sister. Or so he says, it doesn’t stop him ogling her occasionally like every other male who sets his sights on her.

Once we’d discussed the film in great detail we made our way to the nearest bar where I ordered a nice cold beer with my fake ID that Megan had gotten me in my first week in the States.

One hour and three beers later some guy came to talk to me at the bar. He introduced himself as Tyler and when he held out his hand and smiled at me I just couldn’t say no.

I gave him an answering smile as I shook his hand, “Millie”. His smile grew wider before he spoke again, “So where are you from Millie?” and quickly added, “You don’t mind me speaking to you, do you?” as he said that he looked a little uncertain which only made me laugh because it looked so out of place on his dark charming face.

“No I don’t mind. For now...” I laughed at his put off face, “I’m kidding! I’m from England, I came here to study,” I replied. He looked relieved as he smiled back at me, “Ahh a Brit, that’s cool! I love the accent” I rolled my eyes at that which didn’t go unnoticed, “I bet you get that a lot huh?”

“You have no idea. But it’s okay I think it’s funny. As long as you don’t make me say a bunch of things!” I laughed.

We stayed sat at the bar chatting for what seemed like hours about everything and anything. He was so interesting and so easy to talk to. I learned that he was 25 and was training to be a fireman which, I won’t lie, I found hot and as he talked about his training and what it entails, I allowed my eyes to wander over him. He was a whole head and a half taller than me with bright green eyes and light brown skin. He had a nicely defined jaw and a little scar on the edge of his lip that drew my eyes to his mouth and left me wondering how it would feel to kiss him. Once I realised I was imagining kissing him I abruptly sat up straighter and forced myself to listen to the words coming out of his mouth. You just met the guy, stop being such a perve!

“Are you going to introduce us to your friend or are you going to sit here all night?!” I spun around to see Megan smiling flirtatiously at Tyler and forced myself not to roll my eyes, “Meg Tyler. Tyler Megan.” I said wafting my hand between the two.

Megan immediately pouted her lips and stuck her hand out at him “Nice to meet you Tyler. Do you want to join us at our table?” Well I had a nice run while it lasted! I thought sourly to myself as I watched my beautiful blonde friend lead the hottie fireman to our table.

It turned out I had nothing to be sour about. Other than the small chit chat he made with my friends, his attention was solely on me and I had to say it felt good. Really good. At the end of the night we swapped digits with the promise of going for a drink sometime. By that point I had had 5 beers and was feeling very confident, as we said goodbye I saluted him and walked away. Needless to say I wasn’t expecting a phone call after that mortifying goodbye.

We walked all the way home talking about how hot Tyler was, Meg was still laughing at my salute and Jamie was sulking because none of us were paying attention to him.

On the way home as we dropped Rachel off on campus we saw Professor Bailey arguing with a woman. I couldn’t hear what they were arguing about but he looked really annoyed and she was trying to grab at his arm. I assumed they were having a lovers tiff and turned in the direction of home not wanting to pry anymore into my professor’s private life but before I tore my eyes away they made contact with his as he looked at me. Something about the despair in his eyes touched my heart and I smiled reassuringly at him before I walked away, wanting somehow to make him feel a little better.

Jamie and Megan had been so deep in conversation they hadn’t noticed the argument so I decided to pretend I hadn’t either and listened to them bickering back and forth like siblings, about what I had no idea but it was very amusing and put a smile back on my face.

I went to bed that night thinking about my encounter with Tyler and how great he was, but it wasn’t his face that I saw as I drifted to sleep, it was Lucas Bailey’s beautiful, sad eyes.

I know this is short but it seemed like the perfect place to end this chapter without it dragging on

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