Chapter 6

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Tyler on the side ---->

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday, hung over and feeling sorry for ourselves, we decided to have a Lord of the Rings marathon and invited Rachel over to stay.

The films were really long so it took up most of the day and went onto night, with occasional food and toilet breaks.

Half way through The Two Towers I noticed Jamie looking at Rachel, who was lying on the floor with her head in her hands and with her feet pointing in the air. He looked as if he was having an internal debate; his facial expression resembled that of someone who had been handed an impossible equation to do. After a while of this he huffed to himself before he slid off the sofa and positioned himself next to her, his side pressing into hers with his feet occasionally knocking hers. I saw her stiffen but she didn't look over at him and pretended as though she hadn't noticed.

I smiled as I watched the two of them. He's definitely into her.

By the end of The Return of the King Megan was fast asleep tucked up in her duvet on the other sofa and Rachel had fallen asleep on Jamie's shoulder, who was sat completely still as if afraid of waking her. 

I yawned loudly and stood up stretching and startling Jamie who looked up at me with a sheepish look. I smiled knowingly at him and whispered, "I'm off to the comfort of my bed. Good night". I heard him murmur a 'good night' and turned to see he had pulled himself from Rachel and was now lying on the sofa with no duvet as he had put his on top of Rachel.

I chuckled lightly and shuffled to my room where I immediately fell asleep.

At some point during the night Rachel had sneaked into my bed and I woke up in the morning to her spooning me. I slid out from under her arm trying not to wake her and walked to the living room to see that everyone had, at some point, moved to their own rooms. As I sat down drinking my coffee I decided to look over my assignments for class. I had a couple from Lucas which reminded me of our embarrassing goodbye on Friday night. I cringed at the thought of seeing him tomorrow. Over the weekend I had decided I would act completely normal, as if I hadn't kissed my lecturer on the cheek. It was going to be easier said than done I was sure.

I walked into my lecture on Monday nervous on the inside but cool on the outside. Jamie and I sat at our usual seats and opened our textbooks ready for the lecture ahead. Not once did I glance at Lucas even though I could feel his eyes on me.

I completely immersed myself in Jane Austen's work and its place in feminist literature. I always loved how independent Jane Austen made her protagonists. You could tell that this was the kind of person that she was; independent, accomplished and unwilling to marry for money or status, which was expected of women in those days. Add in her beautiful use of the English language and you had yourself an incredible and inspiring woman and icon.

When the lecture was finally over I quickly packed my things up and practically ran out of the room with a puzzled Jamie on my tail.

This went on the whole week; I would go in, study and leave as quickly as I could all the while making as little eye contact with Lucas as possible. That was until Friday, as I tried to pack my things away as quickly as possible I wound up fumbling, dropping my book and tripping over it. A hand came up in front of my face forcing me to look up at Lucas, "I'm okay" his offered hand dropped back to his side as I got to my feet.

I smiled up at him as he handed me the book I had dropped, "Thanks. I'm so clumsy it's embarrassing" he laughed before abruptly sobering up and frowning at me, "You've been avoiding me," he stated, "why?"

As if I didn't feel awkward enough he wanted me to bring it up?

"Well, I - you know, I..." I stuttered foolishly.

"I wish you wouldn't dwell on that kiss," he sighed, "you'd had a few drinks, I know that. Besides it's not that big of a deal. In fact, I quite enjoyed it." He winked at me, smirk firmly in place. And he's back, the smug twat from the first week.

I scoffed, "Well it won't be happening again. Like you said it was the alcohol. So cherish it" I huffed, "See you Monday, Bailey" I grabbed my bag from the table I'd plopped it on and walked out of the class. As I left I could hear Lucas let out a hearty chuckle, "Oh I will!" I scowled at that, my scowl deepening at the realisation that the idea of him 'cherishing' that kiss gave me butterflies. "See you later Millie!" he shouted after me when I was well out of sight but not out of ear shot. Arrogant people really bugged me and Professor Lucas Bailey seemed to bring out the worst in me. I had zero patience when it came to that man. One minute he's being sweet and chatting nicely with me, then the next he's acting like he's God's gift to women – which I'm sure he is but he doesn't need to be so big headed about it!

As I walked down the corridor my mind wandered to Tyler, we had been texting back and forth all week. The texts were really flirty but since it had been a week since I'd met him I was beginning to think that was all we were going to be, just flirty texts. That was until last night when he asked me if I would go for a drink with him tonight.

I was so excited - and nervous since it was my first real date in a while - and as I was walking towards the doors I was planning in my head the outfit that I was going to wear. I stopped abruptly just before stepping out, the familiar smell of rain had been a tell-tale sign but looking now I could see it was chucking it down. It was the type of rain that soaks you the second you step into it. I was really not impressed.

I stood there for a few minutes pondering on whether to make a break for it when I heard footsteps approaching behind me, followed by his know-it-all voice, "Raining huh?" I rolled my eyes. Yeah, no shit, "I can give you a lift home if you want. It's probably best waiting until it dies down a little first though" he offered. I considered his invitation for a moment, then plopped myself down the top step of the building. I'll wait to see if it stops soon.

I felt him sit down beside me and glanced over. He was looking up at the sky in resentment, II could understand that feeling. I didn't want to get my hair soaked right before my date.

We sat there for what felt like forever, silently staring at the thick rain drops. I would occasionally look at the time and huff, the longer I stayed the less time I had to get ready.

"Do you have to be somewhere?" I jumped at the sound of Lucas. We had been so quiet I wasn't expecting to hear his voice.

"I have a date. He's picking me up at 8 o'clock and I'm not going to be ready on time at this rate." I complained. His head whipped around to look at me so fast I wondered if he had given himself whiplash, "Well that was fast! You've been here what, two weeks?" I didn't like that comment, it was spiteful and made me sound like a slag.

"I'll have you know I met him last Thursday and this is the first date we will have been on!" I looked away in anger and muttered, more to myself, "We're only going for drinks..."

We stayed silent after that; I was too busy fuming at him for being so rude and I guess he didn't know what to say.

I noticed the rain had turned to drizzle and decided it was worth walking in. It wouldn't be so hard to sort out slightly damp hair, but it might be hard to get away with murder if I decided to decapitate him, so I figured I would prefer getting wet than staying here and getting judged.

"You're right. I'm sorry" Lucas spoke up from beside me. He was looking at me with remorse in his eyes, "I'm having a rough time at the moment and I keep taking it out on others. I'm sorry." I looked at him for a second then got to my feet, "Apology accepted. I'm going to brave it and run home. I'll see you in class." I stepped out into the drizzle and turned around when I heard Lucas offer me a lift again, "I'll be okay, really. See you!" At that I ran down the steps and fully into the rain. I continued to run all the way home with my bag on top of my head in an attempt to keep myself dry.

Now to get ready for my date with Tyler...

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