Chapter 7

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I was just eyeing myself in the mirror when I heard the buzzer. I ran to the intercom and told him I would be down in a minute before shoving my knee high, black, heeled boots on to go with my denim skirt and tight Beatles t-shirt. I wasn’t dressed up but I never was one to dress up fancy for dates. This was a sort of test to see how interested the guy was in me, and also because I didn’t tend to care enough to make a huge effort.

I shouted a goodbye to Jamie and Megan who were both watching TV and slammed the door shut as I exited.

I made it outside of the apartment building and immediately my eyes found Tyler. He looked so good. He was wearing a form-fitting white t-shirt and low hung jeans with a pair of Timberlands, his bright green eyes clouded in lust as he looked me over unabashedly. I took that as a good sign and walked to him with a bashful “Hey” to which he responded with “Hey beautiful” causing me to blush. I was surprised when he took my hand and even more surprised when he lead me past the only car in front of the building and towards the Yamaha. My heart rate picked up in anticipation. I got a huge kick out of motorbikes, I wanted one myself.

“You don’t mind riding a motorbike do you?” he asked looking at me in apprehension.

“Not at all! I love them!” I admitted. He smiled at that, handed me a helmet and swung one leg over the bike standing up to give me room to slide on. I got comfortable and gripped the handles on the back meant for the passenger.

He kicked the bike to life before ripping my hands from the handles and wrapping them around his torso. I blushed but pressed myself against him, assuming that was what he wanted. Looking into his wing mirrors I could see by his eyes that he was smirking so I head-butted him with my helmeted head. He laughed then suddenly took off, speeding off to our destination.

We stopped outside of the bar we had met. I got off the bike and glanced over at him with a knowing smile. He just shrugged, “I thought it would be romantic if we had our first date in the bar we met” I nodded in agreement as I took my helmet off, watching his arm muscles tense as he took off his. Once he had stored the helmets away he grabbed my hand again and led me inside the bar.

It was full of people, which was hardly surprising since it was a Friday night. We went to the bar and grabbed a beer each before we took a seat away from most of the noise.

“So,” I gazed at Tyler’s handsome face, “how’s fireman training going?” I queried. I didn’t know too much about it even though he tried to explain it to me throughout the week.

He sipped on his beer thoughtfully before answering, “It’s going pretty well actually, but I have a sort of written test that I have to do next week which I’m pretty nervous about.” I don’t know why but I was surprised by this. Other than putting out fires and rescuing people I wasn’t sure what else the job entailed.

“Really? Is it going to be hard?” I asked feeling as curious as I sounded. He laughed at that, “It’s not all physical and manly like everyone imagines you know. There’s also some paperwork involved just like with the Police.” Well my bad! I thought to myself. He looked a little nervous again as he said, “It shouldn’t be hard since I’ve studied loads and know my shit but exams are always daunting aren’t they?” I nodded in agreement remembering all the exams I’d had to endure at school and University, and the ones yet to come. I shuddered.

We continued talking about his training until our pints ran low. Once we had established that we both fancied another he offered to buy the next round and went off towards the bar.

Two minutes later I felt someone come to my table. I looked up smiling about to say “That was fast” when my eyes landed on Professor Bailey. My smile dropped as I suddenly became embarrassed of him seeing me on my date.

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