Disclaimer! RED FLAG! MUST READ!

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So, hello mortals or perhaps a demigod?

Welcome, welcome.

Anyway, I know what you're thinking; I am too "A Chaos story? Man, that is getting old."

It is but, I love PJO and HoO and this Chaos story thing appeal to me. Do not take offense when I say "Suck it up."

You do not have to read it, I am not forcing you to though I'll be happy if you do read it. It's not the most original story out there, I know that trust me but I want to jump into this train! I know it's late but who cares?

Besides, there are a lot of Chaos story out there and they always leave me in cliffhanger and never update soooo, as I follow with the quote "If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

But, I will try my best to make it as different as possible.

Anyway, I think I've been rambling on long enough so let's conclude it and get right to the story.

Will there be Pertemis? Answer is: no. Sorry, I just don't ship them even if some Pertemis written fan-fic are adorable.

Will there be Percabeth? The answer is: no. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Percabeth, but I want this to go a different ways even if it hurts me to do so. So, no Percabeth. SORRY!

Will there be other ships? I do not know yet. In time.

Okay, DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of it except for the characters I made and places. All belongs to the author of a wonderful series, PJO and HoO; Rick Riordan.

Anyway, let's go.

Happy reading! Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it or if you've got anything to voice out. Anything is welcome!

Reading is life.

Okay, bye. :D

~Leanne xoxo

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