Chapter 23: The Red Meeting

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Chapter 23 

The Red Meeting

||Percy Jackson||

Every step I took echoed into the dark, giant hallway of the Darkness mansion. I could feel my heart beating wildly and my head pounding, the closer I get to my destination. My withheld powers straining to get out, knowing that a fight is coming, after holding it in for so long. If I do let it out while in the camp, there was a high chance I could destroy the planet and so, the majority of the time, I held it in.

I steadied myself, trying to ignore it. I can't be distracted now. I have to reach Nyx and Erebus' room, where he is surely held. Nyx is a soft-hearted person and truly loves Erebus and no matter what, she cannot bring herself to hurt him even if it means hurting herself. Knowing her, she wouldn't have the heart to lock her husband in the dungeon which could only mean that he is in their room.

Upon reaching the massive door, I found it locked heavily. Unsheathing my blades, I used Vanquisher to cut through the door. It fell apart in two, revealing the darkened room. I heard shackles move and snap, next thing I know I could feel something jump in front of me. Lighting up both of my blades with Void Fire, I parried it with the upcoming attack, grunting with effort as I did so. I stared straight into my opponent's eyes and I knew at that moment, Nyx was absolutely right.

The eyes I stare into at that moment doesn't belong to my brother and my friend, it belongs to someone else. The look in them was bloodshot red with a crazed look. The enemy grinned at me as I gathered my strength and pushed him off, he jumped a few feet away from me, going into battle stance just like I did.

"I'm honestly disappointed in you, Erebus." I sighed, "I thought you were stronger than this. But here you are, being controlled by someone weaker and smaller than you."

He came at me again, with more force than the last, snarling. I sneered, countering the sudden appearance of his claws, venomous claws. "How weak. You disgust me."

A cold, raspy voice echoed in the giant room, "And you think you're so good, Jackson."

"At least, I'm not pathetic enough to actually hide under someone else's skin." I looked at past those bloodshot, seeing the starry, begging eyes that belong to who I have come to consider as my brother and my friend. "Erebus, I know you're stronger than that. I know you can fight this and I will fight you if I have to, as long as you come back to us, to Nyx. She's waiting for you. Even if I have to drag the both of us to near death, I will do so."

I charged, both my blades swinging in a diagonal arch, passing by each other by a millimeter as I try and put some damage into my enemy. Unfortunately, he dodged. For the first time, I saw clarity in his eyes, and the voice was clearly different than the one I just spoke to a while ago. "Percy...Nyx....where is she?"

"Fight me, fight this, Erebus and I'll tell you what happened to your wife."

The clarity disappeared, the crazy eyes returned and the laugh followed, "It's no use." He charged; I ducked and cutting his stomach slightly. He stared at it in a wondered look before growling and charging at me. His sword, now out, clanged against my two twin blades. Sparks flew at the touch of two metals.

We both flew back, regaining ourselves before charging again. We flew around the room, destroying just about anything there is. Like flashes of a camera, disappearing and appearing like lightning. I have a gash in my head, my leg, a broken rib, punctured a lung, and deep wounds. A dagger has embedded on my stomach and a giant slash across my chest from his claws but I paid no mind to it as I continue to do as much damage to the primordial, who have even much worse damage than I do.

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