Chapter 24: The Revival

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Chapter 24

The Revival

||Percy Jackson||


I was back.

Back in that cold, metallic smelling, stale room. The chains holding my bruised, wounded and tired arms made a crackling sound, like thunder in the echoing torture room I've been held in for what must've been years.

I closed my eyes, breathing deep, trying to see through the pain that I was in. Physically, I have gone numbed for what has been done to me, as that madman dissected every inch, looking for the source of my power. Mentally.... it has always been my weakness.

I honestly thought I had shut that down to but.... her appearance, Fyna, just shook my very core and what little was left of my mental stability.

"You're weak, Jackson." I stilled, the words bouncing in my head spoken from a very chilly and dark voice, "So naive and still so weak." I felt a heavy weight on my back, pressing down on me to the point of crushing. "That's why you were betrayed, forced out of the place you tried so hard to protect. No matter how many times you give yourself an illusion that you are strong and that you can defeat anything that comes your way with that power that you keep in, you're wrong." An evil laugh echoed in my head followed. "No, you will end up destroying everything you love."

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop the hot trail of tears that dripped down my eyes and to my cheek, contrasting to the cold environment I am in. "I'll end this life of mine before I reach that point." I retaliated, no matter how pathetic the effort was.

A sharp laugh echoed in my head and all around me. "Even your dearest Fyna had turned on you. Who knew that such a seemingly sweet girl like her turns out to be the daughter of the man who is torturing you right at this moment. You're not meant to be alive, Jackson. Whatever you do, it will always, always turn on you."


"I will crush you, Jackson. I will burn your world and I won't stop until everything is in ashes."

"You can't protect everything."

"You're weak."


"Stop fooling yourself."

They were everywhere. Non-stop, putting me into an endless torture. All I wanted was a happy life, I never asked for anything more, even before I knew I was a demigod. I just wanted to be happy. Am I not supposed to ask for such thing? I've done everything I could, is this where I'm just supposed to end? An endless cycle of nothing but pain and torture?

I could hear someone shaking me, calling out to me but I can't bring myself to get out of the trance I'm in. My mind has become paralyzed, trapped in this cage that my inner demons have locked me in and not even the wings that were given to me could fly me away.

"Percy!" I heard my name again, "Please. Come back to me, Percy!" There it was again, much closer than ever. "Perseus Jackson, I swear to all that is holy in this forsaken universe, if you don't snap now, I will slap the living daylights out of you to the point where you'll land in the river of Callithrix."

That voice.....

Slowly, everything came in focus. I was back in that cell again. However, I was not alone. Warm hands holding both my cheek, my eyes adjusted, slowly blinking, then connected to the bright golden cat-like eyes that I love. "...Fyna.." I croaked.

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