Revenge and...Something More?

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*Jeff's PoV*

she sleeps so beutifully and peacefully...i hope....i hope no dream will disturb her again...or anyone...

i look at the clock,and it's already pretty early,like 10 or something,and she starts to can't be a nightmare...


me:oh mornin' i didnt know you woke up.

Ray:oh...well now you know.

me:how did you sleep?

Ray:exceptionally ordinary.

me:heh.interesting choice of words.

Ray:what's the time?

me:10 something

Ray:what?that's too early! seems like you slept well,so why does it matter,anyways? what's up for today?

me:dunno.*mocking her* well....maybe some killing?blood lust on the first place.

Ray:so no eating today?only feeding your blood lust?

me:well..if you put it like that...than i think a sandwich won't be so bad,afterall.

Ray:a sandwich?for the whole day?when do you go hunting?not on the nighttime?

me:we are on the Creepypasta dimension.if here's 10am,in the human's world is 10pm

Ray:oh..that's....EPIC!LEGGO!i have some targets for tonight*smiling evily*

me:i think...i rubbed som evilness on you just don't know me.if you knew me,then you would have know my creepy,killer,sadistic side,that you will doscover tonight.

me:weapon of choice?

Ray:hypnotizing people,then slowly making then slice's basically psyhical torture,till you breakdown and kill yourself,only it's a hell lot faster can you do that?

Ray:im epic like that.and actually,when Sally died,and became a CP,we were 9,and i didnt know something happened to me too.the night when i went to Slender Woods,when i was chased by my psyhotic father,and i finished the 8 PAGE game,Slendy saw me,and said that he saw an evil aura in me,and that i will become one like him.i didnt know what that meant,but i didnt mind it.when i was about to go home,he explained me my powers,and how to use them.i guess,tonight i will see how it works.

me:i guess you are something special after all,huh?

Ray:and you thought i wasnt?i AM special!

me:yeah yeah.

Ray:ok leggo im hungry

me:you always are!

Ray:your point?*i shrugged*that's what i thought too.

we go in the kitchen,and i make a sandwich for all of us.I see Jack is sharpening his scapel for his kidney-hunt for tonight.Ben is probably tormenting some gamers,Slendy is in the woods,with the game,Sally's asleep,Masky and Hoody are out,killing...Smile is sleeping....and me and Raven are eating.what a beautiful family....note the sarcasm

Blood Lust&Beating Hearts~Jeff The Killer LSWhere stories live. Discover now