New Profiles again ... WHAT?

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Yes, you read that right! They changed them again! Don't worry if yours hasn't change as of yet, the craptasticness will come to your profile soon, I'm certain. Whatpad wouldn't leave anyone out, that wouldn't be fair! They are an equal opportunity offender, after all!

What does the new change look like, Watson?

I'm glad you asked ... crap. No, seriously. Okay, fine I'll tell you ...

Basically, it sort of looks like the app. Your stories are at the top like now (Arrow lettered E), but instead of your message board beneath them, it's your reading lists (Arrow lettered D, sorry I don't have any reading lists so you can't see how obnoxious it is). Why? Who knows. Your message board is tiny and shoved off to the side (Arrow lettered C), you either click on it to get to it or click on the toggle thing at the top under your header (Arrow lettered A). Your about me is also not on the faint light gray background any longer as it was in the old view, it now sits on the white background, it seems harsh to the eyes, it also seems narrower and looks a lot smaller (Arrow lettered B). Either way, more things to click, because as we know Whatpad likes to make us click a multitude of things in order to get stuff done.

I will attempt to find a profile that has changed to take a screen shot of it for you and stick it up there, I'm sure one of the ever happy Whatpad employees has already had theirs changed over, barring that I will go through my followers and see if anyone has had their account changed over, who knows you might get lucky and your account could end up featured up there!

Ok what I've discovered thus far while attempting to find a changed profile to take a screen shot of is this: apparently the ugly view only appears for the user. Everyone else sees the old profile view. Which makes no sense to me whatsoever. Why stick us with this ugly view and make us click through all this stuff when you could have left it well enough alone if everyone else gets to see it the old way? Unless, eventually everyone will see it as the new view. I don't understand their logic. I'll switch my profile to beta and take a screen shot for you guys. ***Update: profiles are now appearing as the new layout when you go to them, whether it was a glitch the other day or they are now making them appear, no idea, but they are now visible to both the profile owner and other users.***

What makes me angry about this change is that I'm fairly certain people did a whole lot of complaining and added a long laundry list of things they disliked when the first profile change happened and one thing I'm pretty sure they didn't ask for was THIS. A lot of people were upset they lost the status bar, how does losing their message board being front and center solve things? Authors need that to communicate with their readers, right? So Whatpad's solution is to shove it to the back of the profile, someone tell me in what universe that made sense to them?

About the only thing in this change that makes any sense is making the featured story box appear larger. It would be nice if we also were allowed to feature more stories for those authors that have more stories to feature, but the rest of it seems ill conceived. I think Whatpad's higher ups were too busy playing with their kittens in their corner offices to actually look at the list of changes they were approving.

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