He leads me into another room of the slicer house where I haven't been before. Winston picks up a long blade and lifts it in front of himself, as if he's a medieval knight.
"Come at me, maverick girl" he grins and I untie my own blade from my belt. "Let it all out." I raise it insecurely.
"That's ridiculous." He cuts through thin air. "It helps against the anger, I promise." I gently hit his blade with mine, once, then twice, from another direction. The next time, he lets his sword crash into mine and nearly chucks it out of my hands.
"Really? That's all you've got?" He asks with a mischievous smile. "Oh, shut up. I'm probably doing this for the first time." I reply. Then I flip the blade, take a few steps and hit his sword until I'm in the right position to disarm him with a kick.
He holds up his hands in a surrendering gesture, a surprised look on his face. "I don't think so. I honestly didn't see that coming." "Well, I-..."
"Try to see this coming!" He shouts, picks up another blade and retakes our fight. I forget everything around me and focus on my steps. The world seems to stand still as our swords crash into each others again and again. I feel as free as a bird while turning around and flipping the blade during the fight, just to try and only for show. Winston laughs. He is an equal adversary to me, or is he just holding his fire a bit?
I take a step forwards and pretend to prick him in the side, but before I'm even completely done, he smartly moves his blade and disarms me. My sword flies across the room and ends up sticking in a bunch of animal furs.
"You have to hold it tighter" Winston says. "I can't! My hands are sweating." I hop across the room and pick up my blade. He puts his sword aside and holds up a leather bandage. "Hand it to me." I throw it gently across the room; he catches and starts to tie the bandage around it tightly.
"That should make it easier." He chucks it back and my eyes widen as it's moving fast towards my forehead. Everything seems to happen in slow motion until I duck and hit the hard ground.
My blade gets stuck right next to the door as someone opens it from the outside. It's Minho. He eyes the sword which is only a few inches away from his ear. "Try not to kill anyone here" he says with a smirk, "Especially not our Greenie." I get up, dirt all over my face. Minho grins at me mischievously and Winston walks past me until he's next to the Keeper of the Runners.
"I'll get your blade, wait a moment." He tells me. Minho murmurs something which I'm not supposed to understand, probably.
"I'll stay here with her. She's a fast learner and she's neat with the sword." Winston replies.
"She looks like she'd be good at throwing knives." Minho says and winks at me before leaving. "What did he want?" I ask Winston. He hands me my black blade back.
"Dinner's about half an hour later today. Let's see if he was right about you, though.
Ever thrown knives before?"
The Maze Runner ✖ Unbroken {Newt}
FanfictionJeanne is sent to a place called the Glade, with no memories and no idea what is going on. Though there is a lot of trouble because of her, she soon makes friends and can't even prevent herself from falling in love. But the good moments never last l...