15- This is going to be fun

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It's a week after me and Luke studied and a few days after the big test. Today we were getting our results for that and who our partners will be for this huge project on the big three.

I was sitting beside Luke and Calum was on the other side. Calum was typically on his phone and so was Luke.

"Calum who did you study with?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He raised his left hand and pointed at Luke.

"So incase you wouldn't be put with me you studied with Calum," I said faking hurt.

"Yep," he replied texting Michael who was 'ill' even though he wasn't. He was wagging and when he comes next lesson he gets to chose who he wants to go with. Which in my case isn't fair. I will get out with an idiot who doesn't know how to deal with my anger problem.

"Settle down class," Mrs Deye said grabbing the whole classes attention well minus Calum's.

"Calum!" She snapped seeing his phone in his hand. Nothing. I saw Mrs Deye go to open her mouth so I made her shut it.

"I got it miss," I said before slapping Calum over the head. He jolted up dropping his phone and spinning to face me.

"What the fu-?" He snapped with me cutting him off using my eyes to make him look at Mrs Deye.

"Oh sorry miss," he apologised putting his phone away. She sighed.

"Now that I have everyone's attention. I have chosen your partners based on the test paper scores. There will me no changing partners or I won't change them either. This is so you get the best possibly score." She said before putting a sheet of paper up and looking at us.

"Louis and Harry, Emily and Meghan, Niall and James, Lauren and Joseph, Markus and Emma, Liam and David, Melanie and Darren, Thomas and Leah, Michael and Halsey," she said before pausing. I froze. I didn't have a partner neither did Luke, Calum and Ashton.

"It seems like four people got the same score, like they studied together. Sadly we have to stick to twos so Luke and Calum are one pair and Gigi and Ashton are another." She finished looking up at us. I froze Ashton. No I can't work with Ashton my feelings. He lied. He lost my trust.

"But miss," I said only to get cut of.

"No buts Gigi, I made sure before I placed you with any of them three they understand you have anger problems. Plus you need to trust more people not just Luke and Calum. Ashton is lovely," she said. When she took a moment pause I scoffed.

"I did trust him. Before he spread shit about me," I said well mumbled.

"Miss, bigi is being mean to my boyfriend," Emily said standing up only to be pulled back down by her minion Meghan.

"It's Gigi Emily and there is nothing I can do. Now go into your pairs and start your project," Mrs Deye said. I rolled my eyes and moved so Calum could sit by Luke but sat on the other side of him since the tables are in a row of four. I eyes Ashton and noticed he wasn't going to move anytime soon.

"Ashton if you want a grade get over here!" I snapped making him stand up. I felt Calum's hand on my back telling me to calm down.

I'm not going to be able to cope.


Bad boy // Ashton Irwin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now