A'uudhu Billahi minash-shaytaanir rajeem
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir RaheemAs salaamu'alaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuhu
Humble Request to Muslims.
Please do not send religious messages asking you to "forward to 10 people and good things will happen to you, else bad luck will follow you, or watch what Allah(SWT) will do for you by tomorrow morning". This is because some people are making fun of Islam. A good muslim should understand that luck doesn't change by sending messages. Good luck comes by being virtuous and praying to Allah(SWT). We should always remember that the biggest sin in Islam is Shirk. As we all know, only Allah(SWT) has knowledge of the future. Some people have intentionally developed some websites to spread wrong information about Quran and Hadith, so please seriously beware of the following websites & inform everyone:
In addition, there is the so called video of 2008 Hajj showing angels coming from the sky. Even if the angels descended from the sky, the brightness of their noor (light) is soo powerful Maa Shaa Allah to be captured by an ordinary man-made camera.
Jazakumu Allahu Khairan Kaseeran...
As salaamu'alaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuhu!!