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As salaamu'alaikum waRahmatullah waBarakaatuhu.

Knowledge by definition is the awareness gained by experience of a fact or situation.

In the book of 'Lives of the Prophets', it is mentioned that:

"God the Most Generous would bestow on 'Adam talents and faculties that were not known to the angels, which is the aspect of knowledge and creation and freedom of choice". We come across this aspect in numerous verses in the Qur'aan. For instance, the Qur'aan enjoins reading and acquiring knowledge on humans (Al-'Alaq:1-5), and commands people to seek knowledge from God and pray for more knowledge (Taaha:114). The Qur'aanic narrative about the creation process shows that God bestowed this faculty on man and not on angels. The limitedness of the angels' knowledge was shown in their admitting that they did not know except what God has taught them (Al Baqarah:32)".

Our beloved Rasuulullah(S.A.W) also mentioned:

"The best sadaqah is that a Muslim man learns knowledge (of the Deen) and then teaches it to his Muslim brothers" (Ibn-e-Majah)

"To learn the Knowledge of the Deen is fard upon every Muslim man and woman". (Ibn-e-Majah)

"Whoever follows a path seeking knowledge, Allah Almighty will make that path easy for them".

The above mentioned verses from the Qur'aan and sayings of Ar Rasuul(S.A.W), seeking knowledge on our deen is something that every single Muslim should strive to do, inconsiderate of the level of your education. And Maa Shaa Allah, nowadays, it is easy to seek knowledge with the advanced technology and variety of scholars from different parts of the world.

I usually receive reminders on some social medias and sometimes I come across some while reading. In Shaa Allah, I hope amd pray that find them beneficial and implement them in our daily activities.

I realised that at times, in order to share knowledge, one has to escape their comfort zone and inorder to gain knowledge, the same has to apply. I apologise in advance for making you escape your comfort zone

NOTE: if I've said anything that wasn't meant or isn't suppose to be said please know that its from my imperfectness and the interference of shaitaan.

Pleeeaaassse feel free to make any justification if necessary. And add anything that'll increase our knowledge. Also, give your own point of views and comments.


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