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A'uudhu Billahi minash-shaytaanir  rajeem
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

Talk softly,

Walk humbly,

Eat sensibly,

Breathe deeply,

Sleep sufficiently,

Dress properly,

Interact politely,

Act fearlessly,

Work patiently,

Think truthfully,

Believe correctly,

Behave decently,

Learn practically,

Plan orderly,

Earn honestly,

Spend intelligently,

Sacrifice regularly,

Worship dedicatedly,

Serve parents happily,

Treat your neighbours with respect

Smile genuinely, Its Sunnah:-)

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Ar~Rasulullah(S.A.W)

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