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A'uudhu Billaahi minash-shaytaanir Rajeem

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

'Abbas(R.A), the uncle of the Prophet , came to the Prophet and said,

“Ya Rasuulullah, teach me a du'a.

The Prophet(S.A.W) said, “O my uncle, say:

Allaahumma inni asaluka al-'aafiyah
(O Allaah, I ask you for 'aafiyah).”

What is 'Aafiyah?

'Aafiyah means “to save me from any afflictions,"

To be healthy, you are in 'aafiyah.

To have enough money to live, you are in 'aafiyah.

To have your children protected, you are in 'aafiyah.

And if you are forgiven and not punished, you are in 'aafiyah.

'Aafiyah means

“O Allaah, protect me from any pain and suffering.”

This includes dunya and Aakhirah.

Al-'Abbas  thought about this for a while, and then he came back after a few days and said (paraphrased):

“Ya Rasuulullaah, this du'a seems a little short. I want something big.”

The Prophet(S.A.W) said,

“My dear uncle, ask Allah for 'aafiyah for wallaahi, you cannot be given anything better than 'aafiyah.”

It is a simple du'a. Sincerely mean what you say.

“O Allaah, I ask You to be saved from any distress, grief, hardship, harm.

All of this is included in

“Allaahumma inni asaluka al-'afiyah

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