Chapter 2

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I woke up in a bright white room. I looked around to see a couple of machines hooked up to me. I looked beside me and saw Sean (aka Jack) beside me, head in his hands crying. "H-hey Sean." I smiled at him. His head jolted upwards and he ran to me crying harder. I hugged him and sat up. "You can't sit up, you need to rest. You've been asleep for 3 days." His voice was deep and raspy. "Okay." I smiled and lay down. I looked over to him, and he was still crying. I got up and walked over to him. I lifted his chin, so that he would look at me, and wiped away his tears. He smiled and sat me on his lap. "Was I really asleep for 3 days?" I asked him. "Yeah, but I stayed by your side the while time. The nurses were nice enough to bring me coffee." He said. His voice was almost normal, but it sounded like he didn't sleep at all. "Sean, did you even sleep at all?" "No, I've been too worried about you, I'm sorry for dropping you. It was all my fault." He said, fresh tears falling out of his eyes. "It wasn't your fault. It's my fault that I got hurt. I shouldn't have slapped you with delicious cream." I grinned. He chuckled. "No, I shouldn't have dropped you." "It's my fault for licking you." We were arguing over whose fault it was. "Why did you lick me anyways?" He asked. "Because, you have whipped cream on your face. I couldn't help myself!" I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, in a friendly way of course. The nurses came in and we both jumped. I almost fell off of Sean's lap. "Sorry to disturb you guys, but we need to do a few tests on you to make sure you're alright. You two are an adorable couple." The nurse, apparently names Mary smiled. "Oh, we're not a couple, we are really close friends." Sean corrected her. "Oh, sorry. I assumed you two were a couple, the way you two were looking into each others eyes. My bad." She said and helped me up and onto the hospital bed. It was really uncomfortable. The sheets were very itchy. I started tossing and turning to try and get comfy. "Oh, are you uncomfortable? I can get you a new sheet! I'll be right back." Mary flew out of the room. Minutes later, she came back with a blue, fuzzy sheet. She put it on my bed and it felt so warm. I felt like I could pass out any minute. "Okay we will start the test!" She said and got a machine and a clipboard.

~after le test~

"Okay good news! You do not have amnesia, or any memory loss. You're free to go home." She then left. Finally I get to be out of this UGLY hospital gown. Luckily, Sean brought me some clothes. I went in the bathroom and took off the gown and instantly regretted it. The hospital is FREEZING! I screeched and Sean knocked on the door. "(Y/n) you alright?" He sounded scared. "Yeah, the hospital is freezing!" I replied, my voice quivering. My teeth were chattering. "When you come out, we're going home." He left me to get dressed, which took me a while since I was so cold. I walked out and we headed back to Sean's. Sean's house is basically my house, since I'm always there. But for now, I'm going to sleep! Being at the hospital is tiring.


Here's that second chapter for y'all! Bye

My Irish Friend- Jacksepticeye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now