(A/N: Hey guys! Yes I'm back and ready to write again! I had loads of fun writing Just For Tonight Darling and Please Remember My Love will be too! Now this story is the sequel to Just For Tonight Darling so if you haven't read it, I suggest you do! Otherwise enjoy and don't forget to comment/fan/vote!)
Brandon walks over to Tamia in her hospital bed to kiss her forehead. She closes her eyes but he keeps his eyes on me, his eyes filled with cockiness.
I look back at him with disgust in his lakers t-shirt and jeans falling off his ass. She's supposed to be with me, not this jackass that started this mess!
Tamia's mom, Bridgett is in the cafeteria so I could kick his ass, I ball my fist and smile at the thought but winced. I forget that I already fought him, that's why I have a broken nose and hand.
Tamia or Mia as I like to call her is in the hospital for trying to overdose because she was getting bullied. In the process of trying to overdose on sleeping pills, she hits her head and boom she haves amnesia.
The thing is Tamia and I were dating during this whole bullying thing after Brandon broke up with her so of course she doesn't remember us dating but only as best friends.
"Kevin?" I look up from my thoughts by the window to look at who called my name. Even though I didn't have to look to see who called my name, I did anyways because I love to look at her.
Mia is looking at me with concerned eyes and a frown on her face. "What's wrong?" I hate making her worry and I can't tell her that we date because she'll just be even more confused.
Trust me we don't need that. Her frown deepens when I didn't respond, I shake my head out of my thoughts and Brandon sits on the bed beside her.
"I'm fine Mi-Tamia," I give her a tight smile that I'm sure didn't meet my face.
She takes a deep breath, "Kevin seriously what's wrong? First of all you don't say anything then you look like you got beat the crap out of."
Brandon starts snickering at that but she gives him a confused look. "Brandon what's so funny?"
He stops laughing and it's my time to smirk because he can't tell her that we fought because she'll ask why and that'll ruin his cover.
Brandon knows Mia haves amnesia and is trying to get back with her, technically he is even though she's supposed to be with me.
He clears his throat, "Babe don't you worry about it, I'm going to join your mom in the cafeteria so I'll be back, okay?" she nods and he gives her another peck on the forehead.
Who in the hell is he supposed to be?! Kissing my girl in front of me? I start to lift myself up off the windowsill but I push myself back down.
Kevin there's nothing you can do but just sit here and let it happen. I let my head fall because I know my inner voice is true.
No I'm not going to stand by and let this happen, I look back up to see Brandon at the door.
"Brandon I need to talk to you," I ball my unbroken fist up and start to lift myself back up off the windowsill but to hear a certain voice stopping me.
"Kevin no you're not going anywhere, you're going to give me a few answers."
Brandon walks out the door and turns around to have me see him smirking. He closes the door before I could get up and kick his ass.
I let my butt fall back in annoyance on the windowsill but she pats the bed for me to sit with her.
I study her face, there's so many emotions: confusion of course, worried, anger, etc. I walk over to sit beside her, she grabs my head to pull my head on her shoulder.
"Relax," she whispers into my ear, yeah if I relax then you'll know something is up. Screw it though because she's my girl and I'm going to take care of her.
I kick my legs up on the bed so I can get comfortable. She starts to play with my hair, giving my scalp a massage. Well she didn't forget about that.
Instead of just getting me relaxed, I'm about to go asleep. She clears her throat, "Kevin I have a few questions." I open my eyes and snap my head up so quickly, I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.
(I know guys this sucked :/)

Please Remember My Love
JugendliteraturThe dramatic awaiting sequel to Just For Tonight Darling is finally here! Tamia is so confused about everything! She wakes up in a hospital bed and for some odd reason with amnesia! Don't get her wrong, she loves her boyfriend, Brandon but she's ha...