(A/N: Hey guys! I'm am so sorry that I didn't update Friday! Friday was just a really bad day, I did not feel good and them Saturday wasn't good because I hung out with Tristen and also had a project which I finished up Sunday night.
-_- yeah lol anyway I saw Best Man 2 yesterday and it was amazing and very sad :( but I'm going to go!
Sea ya guys in bits! :F)
And I didn't think it was over until you walked away
Like it was nothing, baby
I pull Kevin to his locker seeing that we're upstairs. "Tamia what's up?" He asks me with a cocked eyebrow when we stopped.
"Don't what's up me! What's going on with you and Haley?" I swear I saw a smirk flash across his face and quickly transform to confusion.
"What do you mean? We've been dating for a bit now." He states casually while looking down at me with his deep green eyes.
How can that even be possible? He was closed to kissing me in his room and starting problems between Brandon and I for God's sake!
"You're lying! Why would you date her Kevin? It makes no sense after what Brandon told me!" I poked my index finger into his nicely formed chest, I mean his chest.
"First of all ow!" He touches the part of his chest that I poked him at and makes slow circles on it to subdue the sting.
"Second of all, what's wrong for me to date Haley?" He begins to get closer to me and I step back until I hit the lockers.
I look at the locker that I hit for any damage and look back up to Kevin to see him staring at me with intensity in his eyes. He gets close to my ear, "Are you jealous?"
I shove him away but he doesn't budge. Well that worked. "Why would I even be jealous?" I look around him to avoid his gaze that's locked onto me.
He laughs darkly, "Why wouldn't you be?" I look up at him in shock to see him raising both eyebrows and biting his lip. Oh my God. Why is he biting on his lip? That sir, should be a crime.
"Mia," he stoops down to my height with his hand resting on the locker beside my head.
He gets to my ear and whispers, "Just trust me on this. Brandon is not good for you." He reaches back and looks at me while I comprehend what he's telling me.
I stand off the lockers and push him against the lockers because I need answers! "Then tell me what's going on!"
He looks down at me in shock but then it transforms to guilt and sadness. Why is he sad and most importantly why should he feel guilty?
"I'm sorry, it's for the best. Just try. Try to remember." He wraps his arms around me tightly and I feel my lips quivering when he lets go and walks away. Not once looking back.
When I let go of her, I felt tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. Did I basically just tell her goodbye? No I'll never do that, I mean she's my Mia.
I love her. "If you loved her you wouldn't play these games." My mind spoke loudly to me.
"You're wrong!" I shouted back but out loud. Students passing by me in the hallway, looking at me crazily. "Sorry." I murmured under my breath.
They continue to walk but murmur weird ass under their breath. Whatever. I finally reach the cafeteria after the crowd of hungry students went by.
I go inside and go to the table that I sit at with Jared and Sam. I hope they got over their differences because that fight was just pointless.
I find Jared and Sam at the table but to also find Haley? "Um Haley what ar-?"
"Oh hey Kevin! Come sit beside me!" She taps the seat beside her while oh coincidentally bringing the chair closer to her.
Oh! I get it now! The boys doesn't know that Haley and I allegedly date. I sit down beside her and she leans over while speaking, "Let me get that for you."
She reaches her hand over to fix my collar and I happen to look at Jared and Sam to find Sam smiling while nodding. Now that's a weird ass.
I look over at Jared to see him looking at me with a hard expression. I shrug my arms and then his flashes to disappointment. I roll my eyes and avert my eyes back to Haley.
Ugh look at them. Think they're so cute rubbing their stupid noses together. First she fixed his collar then kissed his black eye.
Well don't forget honey that he got that black eye because of me! Wait that's not good! I guess it was one of those it sounds better in my head.
"Tamia you said you wanted to talk to me not look at white dude the whole time." I sigh and look over at Brandon from the corner of my eye.
I avert my whole attention onto him and he rolls his eyes. "Brandon I wasn't looking at him." He rolls his eyes again.
"Why do you feel the need to lie to me Tamia?" He looks over at me with hard brown eyes and I feel small under his stare.
"I'm not ly-." Lies. I swear that's all I tell well almost tell seeing that Brandon cut me off with his lips.
He pulls away but he whispers on my lips, "Come with me to the Halloween party this Friday." I feel doubt rushing through my mind but something is also telling that this party will change everything.
Maybe I should go, I nod and he kisses me again. I look over at Kevin to see him staring at me with coldness in his green eyes and I look back with a cocked eye.
Yeah two can play that game Kevin. Remember that.
Didn't waste any time
Like you had already made up your mind
(A/N: I know this chapter was crap but I just wanted to put this up tbh. Lol sorry :/.
Actually we might have one or two more chapters. Idk if I want to have a third book or just end it here. From my standpoint right now it's not looking so good haha.
I mean I love this story but I get major writer's block on it :(. I'll update this Friday I promise lol.
Anyway do you think Tamia should get back with Brandon but only to get back at Kevin because of Haley? To be honest I'm ready for them two to get back together because I missed them :(. Do you think her going to the Halloween party is going to be bad or maybe even good?
Comment what you think and don't forget to vote! I love you guys and sea you dudes later! Bye! :F)

Please Remember My Love
Teen FictionThe dramatic awaiting sequel to Just For Tonight Darling is finally here! Tamia is so confused about everything! She wakes up in a hospital bed and for some odd reason with amnesia! Don't get her wrong, she loves her boyfriend, Brandon but she's ha...