(A/N: Hey guys! I was so bored so I figured I should update! I really don't have much to say so I'll get to writing! :F)
"Do you want me to stop? he whispers in my ear while his hand is rubbing small seductive circles on my inner thighs. I bite back the moan that wants to escape my lips.
I stop his hands to look at him. So many emotions go across his face: lust, confusion but this one confused me, loss. "Kevin I-," he gets off the bed.
"Don't worry about it Tamia," now we're back to Tamia? What the heck is going on?
"No Kevin, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me." I definitely didn't want to stop but I won't ever tell him that. "I just-, I don't want to hurt Brandon."
"Like I said it's fine," he looks out the window with his back facing me. I have the urge to stand behind him and wrap my arms around his toned body but I ignore my urges and get off the bed too.
"I'll just leave," I walk out of his door, closing it.
After I hear the door close softly with a click, I punch the wall with my unhurt hand with so much force that it put a hole in my wall. How could I be so stupid?!
I shouldn't had taken advantage of that. I should've just pushed her aw-, okay Kevin lets be honest.
It's Mia that were talking about. If she wanted to tie me up to that bed, I sure as hell would let her. Damn the consequences.
But wait, if she was doing that to me? Yanno the teasing and trying to take control, is that her remembering what we had? Because this Mia was reminding me of the old Mia.
But then again she just had to bring up Brandon so maybe she's just confused. It's something though so I know that she still loves me even if she's unaware of it.
I just have to win her back as her best friend. I fall back on my bed and groaned because who knew how love could be so frustrating.
(The Next Day)
I wake to a blaring noise coming through from my alarm on my phone. I still feel tired as hell because yesterday I'll have to say was one hectic confusing day.
I turn on my side to turn the alarm off and sit there in silence. Thinking about no other Kevin. This is so wrong, I shouldn't be thinking about him but my boyfriend that I love Brandon.
I feel my phone vibrating on my nightstand and I lean over to retrieve it and to see the time. 6:35 AM.
I ignore the time and press receive without looking at who it's from.
Hey pretty cheeks :)
Pretty cheeks? Is this...Kevin? I look at the sender to see From: Kevie<3 6:34 AM. Kevie? I don't remember ever calling Kevin that but it's cute.
To: Kevie<3 6:36 AM:
Hey! For some weird reason I have you saved under Kevie? Did I give you that nickname or?
From: Mia<3 6:36 AM:
Hey! For some weird reason I have you saved under Kevie? Did I give you that nickname or?
I look at the text with wide eyes because this is a start for her to remember things but I'll have to play it off as her best friend and not the lovesick puppy that I am.
To: Mia<3 6:36 AM
Yeah you gave it to me but get ready for school because I know that you'll be complaining when you're late for school. XD
I press send feeling more happy than I ever felt with this new Mia well besides what happened last night.
I smell the covers since she left her intoxicating vanilla scent here. Reminds me of Christmas for some reason. I move around with the covers still to my nose. reminiscing.
I step out of my trance by getting out of the bed to go over to my closet with just a pair of underwear on. Hmm what should I wear? I want to impress Mia but don't want to come off as desperate.
C'mon Kevin, she's not going to be checking you out. My thoughts are right, I'll have to admit. I carelessly grab a pair of skinny jeans, grey t-shirt with blue writing on it and my blue vans that lay carelessly by the foot of my bed.
I lay the clothes on my unmade bed and pick the jeans up. I put my feet into them and start to pull them up but shit they won't go up! Did my ass get bigger? Gahhh! I don't care these jeans are going to go up.
I tug onto them while holding my breath, whoo. Got them up, sheesh making me feel like a girl. I grab my shirt and throw it on and I can tell my hair is messy now. I put the vans on and yes with no socks because what's the point?
Well it will be chilly so I'll have to look for my blue jacket to go with my outfit. I look around for it but to see a hole in the wall? Where did that co-? Oh shit! My mom is going to kill me!
Shit shit shit! How can I hide this gigantic hole?! I look frantically around for anything, wait. I go over by my closet to see a X Games poster. I carefully take it down and use the same tape to put it over the hole. I lean back to see it if it looks suspicious but it looks cool.
I sigh in relief while wiping my hair off my forehead. Now where was I? Think Kevin think...
Right! My jacket! I go over to my closet to see it laying under a big pile of clothes. I grab for its sleeve but it won't budge.
C'mon! I tug on it with all my might but all the things in the closet fell on me! Shit ow! That fucking hurt!
I get all the clothes off me and pick myself up with my hand on my nose. Ow is my nose bleeding? I speed walk into the hallway bathroom and to see it not bleeding but looking worse than it did before.
God dammit! How the hell is Mia going to fall for me when I look hideous like this?! Maybe she won't notice? I pull my hands over my face frustratingly. Of course she will.
(I'm going to update again a bit later so no worries. I feel that this story is going so slow but I have to make it flow! Though I don't feel it is haha. Please comment on what you think because I need feedback please!! :F)

Please Remember My Love
JugendliteraturThe dramatic awaiting sequel to Just For Tonight Darling is finally here! Tamia is so confused about everything! She wakes up in a hospital bed and for some odd reason with amnesia! Don't get her wrong, she loves her boyfriend, Brandon but she's ha...