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I always feel guilty when I visit my sister. But, my sister never fails to cover up that guilt. She's always there to hug me. Although, this time is different. Fear is telling me that whatever I'm looking at right now, my stalker is looking at it, too.

I looked up and saw Luke. When he noticed me, he smiled.

"I think everyone is in danger."

He moved closer and said, "Nif, he's only threathening you through text messages. He can't even show himself to you."

"But he knows everything."

"I'll protect you."

I liked what I heard. But, I know that's impossible. "No, you can't."

He looked at me with worry. He leaned closer, kissed me in the forehead and hugged me. "Yes, I can."


My mom left again. Probably out for buyers.

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Nothing. My tummy feels like eating a big juicy hamburger. I have to have one!

I grabbed the phone. I was about to dial when it rang.


"Nif! Let's eat somewhere!" It's Ven.

"Oh yeah! Meet me at the diner."

Hamburger, here I come! I became so excited that I ran to my pickup.

Ten minutes later, I can already see the diner's red neon light. I parked the pickup, then walked to the door.

I saw my mom at the nearest stall. "Oh shit." I panicked and hid under the nearest counter. A smile crept on my mouth. I'm just happy my mom is enjoying life. I stood up, thought about what to say and walked over to mom and her date.


"Oh dear!" My mom got startled that she dropped her glass and choked on coke. Paul quickly stood up and went to help my mom.

"What the heck?" The customers at the diner turned their heads to see what was going on. Yolo gave my mom some tissue and wiped the table.

"Is there a problem, Nif?"

"I'm just very surprised, Yolo." I looked at Yolo and smiled. "Thanks."

"Dear." My mom held my hands. I looked at Paul. I think I was glaring. "Please take a seat."

"Oh no, Mom. I don't want to disturb your tutoring session."

"Nif. This is Paul." Paul looked up and tried to smile. He looked embarassed. "My date."

"How old are you, Paul?"

He looked at mom then at me. "I'm 30."

"Next time bring your birth certificate to remind yourself who to date."

My mom's eyes became lonely. I felt guilty but I love my mom. I don't want her to end up with a momma's boy delivery guy. I avoided my mom's eyes and noticed Ven seated at the last stall. My voice probably reached there. I glared at Paul one more time and walked away. "See ya later, Mom."

"What the hell happened?"

"Mom's dating our delivery guy."

Ven didn't respond and I took that chance to order a big juicy hamburger. Whatever.


I was watching the tv when mom finally came home.

"What the heck was that, Nif?"

"Same to you."

"I was right. You're not mature enough to know this."

"So, you're dating for how long now?"

"Why would I even answer that if you don't even care?" Mom said. She's starting to cry.

"Mom, I care so much that I acted that way. Why can't you get a 48-year old surgeon? You're the best. You deserve one, too. Damn it, Mom, you're the one whose suppose to tell me what to do with relationships. " She tried to stop a smile. "You're like a teenager in forbidden love."

She looked up and smiled. I smiled back and hugged her.

"Nif, I'm so happy you care for me. But, I'm a grown woman. I love you." She caressed my back then kissed me on the cheeks. "Good night."

I watched my mom walk to the bathroom. She looked more happy than before. And, she's right. I have to give Paul a chance.

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