Chapter 1: Foggy Memory

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Barry's POV - Central City

Today marks two years since the partical accelerator exploded and metahumans like me were created.

Ever since the accident, my team and I at star labs have been working hard to track more metahumans to keep the city safe, but recently somethings been off.

Many reports of animal attacks have been coming into the station, causing us to worry if these metahumans have more than just powers.

People have checked into hospital with bite marks to the neck and weakened from loss of blood.

Cisco continues to believe its a Metahuman that retains energy from bodily fluids like blood but, we believe there's something else going on in Central City.

Caitlin believes it's a Metahuman capable of morpthing into anyone who's blood they touch, or taste but I think that's a little illogical.

3rd POV.

"Barry I'm telling you, we should stock up on wooden stakes and garlic" Cisco joked as he followed Barry around the cortex.

Barry signed, shaking his head repeatedly "There's no such thing as vampires.. what we should be doing is finding out who this new Metahuman is and how we can stop them" he replied.

Cisco groaned "Aw come on.. You can't tell me that you don't think for a second that these suspicious bite marks don't resemble those of Dracula or even Twilight?"

Barry scoffed "If your gonna compare this to Twilight then I can't even take you seriously.."

Caitlin walked in the room with a smirk on her face "I agree with Barry, the idea of people that drinks blood, flies and sparkles sounds a bit barbaric" "Skeptical much?" Cisco replied.

"Remember when Barry first came into Star Labs, saying he could run as fast as the roadrunner and you didn't believe it? Well maybe we shouldn't be too quick to judge, who knows what's out there-"

"Yeah Cisco we know, we should be more open to the idea of other species out there but we never ran into any mythical creatures before, there must be a reasonable explanation" Caitlin argued.

Cisco shrugged "I don't know.. maybe their looking for Metahuman blood?" Barry glared "Not funny.."

"Sorry but we have to keep an open mind" Cisco apologized.

Barry nodded and grabbed his suit "Yeah I know.. I'll see you guys later, Joe wants me at the station ASAP.." "Okay, have fun" Caitlin replied.

Barry nodded and waved before running out. Within the blink of an eye he was gone.

After a few minutes of running, Barry arrived at the station, Joe was waiting with the captain when he walked in "The Flash" Joe greeted.

The captain requested to see The Flash immediately.

Barry nodded. What could he possibly have to tell or ask him?

"Flash. I'm glad you came" The captain greeted Barry as he walked over, joining the two.

Barry shook hands wity him "Anytime.. so what's the problem?"

The captain pointed to a woman, about in her twenties, she was holding a bloody towel to her neck "Miss Hailey Grace ran into the station less than an hour ago, covered in blood with a bite to the neck.. When we asked her how she got the wound, she said didn't know" he explained.

"Do you think it's a new Metahuman in town or-" "We're not sure but we're looking into it" Barry replied.

"Thanks Flash, until then you think you could see if you can get something out of her.. Maybe she'll cooperate with you" the captian suggested.

Barry nodded and walked over to the lady, she immediately recognized him and instantly put a smile on her face "Y-Your The Streak.. Uh, I mean The Flash" she studdered.

Barry gave her a slight nod as he glanced at her neck "Hi ma'am.. I wanted to ask you a few questions if thats okay?"

The lady nodded her head and agreed to it, Barry nodded "Okay, do you wanna tell me who did that to you?" he asked, pointed to the bite on her neck.

The lady covered the bite wound back up with the now bloodied towel "I-I don't remember" she replied.

Barry looked at the bite wound once more then back at her "Are you sure? What was the last thing you remember?"

"The last thing I remember was walking home from the store, someone walked up to me- and-" Barry's eyes widened as he listened "And?"

"And that's the last thing I remember before running here" The lady finished explaining.

Barry nodded "Alright, thank you."

Joe walked over, leading a paramedic to the lady to help with her wounds, he pulled Barry aside "So, did she tell you anything? Did a meta do this?" he asked but Barry shrugged.

"I don't know" He replied "She doesn't seem to remember anything right before and after the attack.."

Joe sighed "Okay, was she whammied?"

"Maybe. Have a blood test and the results sent back to Star Labs, see if there's any DNA in her wounds" "good thinking" Joe replied.

"I'll get it all sent out later today, until then you guys should be careful, including Iris.."

Barry nodded "I know."

He waved before running out of the station, leaving a gust of wind behind him, Joe smirked and walked back to his desk, quickly glancing at a picture of Iris and him sitting on his desk, he smiled to himself for a second before going back to work.

Back at Star labs, Cisco and Caitlin were arguing on what this mysterious attacker might be.

Cisco continues to think it's something supernatural while Caitlin stuck on the scientific, real world explanations like Metahumans.

Barry ran in to see the two of them arguing over it, he groaned and pulled off his mask "You guys still fighting over this?"

Caitlin shook her head "No we are not because we've already settled that it's a Metahuman-" "Um, no we haven't, it's obviously not" Cisco interrupted.

"Seriously?" Barry groaned once more.

"Yes seriously.. what kind of Metahuman can bite and feed only leaving behind two puncture wounds?" Cisco argued.

"I spoke to the girl. She said she doesn't remember anything about the attack" Barry interrupted.

Cisco and Caitlin shared a glance "So the metahuman is capable of mind manipulation-"

"Wrong. The 'supernatural' creature is capable of mind manipulation" Cisco interrupted this time.

"You guys give me a headache" "We love you too, Barry" Caitlin smirked.

"Well you'll find out soon enough when the victim's test results come back but until then, you guys need to chill on the whole debating thing" Barry said before walking away.

Cisco nodded, giving him a thumbs up "Sure thing Barry!"

Caitlin rolled her eyes "It's still a Metahuman" She mumbled under her breathe.

"I heard that!"

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