Chapter 4: Brother

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"Barry? Did you find the motel yet?" Cisco asked through the comms in his Barry's suit "No, not yet" Barry replied "there's a few in the neighborhood."

"Well keep looking before they leave" Cisco warned.

Barry nodded "Yeah I know, there's only a few locations left" "Rodger that" Cisco replied.

A few minutes passed until Barry called back "I found it" he said, walking up to the motel where Damon's car was parked.

"They're still here" "Good. Be careful" Cisco warned.

Barry walked up to the room number that they were staying in.

"Room number 320" Barry read outloud, he slowly put his ear against the door to see if he could hear anything.

Not a sound.

"Here goes nothing" Barry muttered to himself as he knocked on the door a few times, then waiting for any responses.

"Hello? Uh, room service?" He said as he knocked on the door again.

Still not a sound.

Barry backed away from the door, thinking about kicking the door down or.. He wrapped his hand around the door knob as his hand began to vibrate, until the knob and lock clicked.

Barry smirked and opened the door after unlocking it, slowly walking in the motel room "Hello?"

The room was dark, silence filled the room "Anyone there?" Barry called out again but still nothing.

"Cisco. No ones here-"

"What? But their car is still there, where could they be?" Cisco replied puzzled, and so was Barry.

"I dont know, but I'll keep looking" he replied.

"Okay. be careful" Cisco nodded before hanging up.

"I'll try.."

Barry looked around the room, checking under the bed, in the closet and last the bathroom but he still didn't find anything.

Outside the hotel room, Stefan and Damon just returned from fetching a small bucket of ice.

"Damon-" Stefan paused before stopping at the door "What?" Damon asked.

Stefan pointed to the door, the knob and lock was broken and lying on the ground "Well who could have done this?" Damon asked, a bit suspicious.

Stefan shrugged and quietly pushed open the door, Damon followed as Stefan entered the dark motel room.

Barry didn't hear since he was checking the other rooms but Stefan and Damon heard Barry.

"Shh" Stefan whispered, pointing to the bathroom.

Damon nodded with a smirk on his face, he had a plan..


Barry jumped at the sound of something falling and breaking in the other room, it sounded like a plate or vase.

"Hello?" Barry called out but no response.

He hesitated but walked into the bedroom, looking around for a light switch "oh come on" after a few seconds of stumbling around, he finally managed to find a switch.

When Barry turned on the light, he turned around only to be standing face to face with Damon. He was still smirking like before.

"Nice suit" Damon said before pinning him to the wall, holding Barry by the neck with one hand.

Barry managed to let out a groan, choking as Damon's grip on his neck tightened.

"Cisco.. Help!"

Damon growled "Who the hell is Cisco?"

Cisco quickly responded to Barry's call for help through his suit "Barry? what's wrong?" "C-Can't breathe!" Barry managed to choke out.

"What's going on Barry?" Cisco asked nervously but he couldn't respond.

"Let him go Damon" Barry heard Stefan say as he walked up to them "What? Are you crazy?"

"No- Now let him go so he can explain" Stefan replied.

"Always playing the hero" Damon groaned and released Barry from his grip "You're lucky my brother's here, I get my answers a completely different way" he growled.

Barry gasped for air as he was released, holding his neck with both hands "How are you so strong?" He asked but Damon didn't answer, instead he glanced at his brother then back at Barry.

"Steroids" Damon replied but Barry wasn't buying it.

"I'm serious" Barry groaned, still trying to catch his breath.

Damon continued to smirk "And so am I, I just love my steriods" "Damon" Stefan interrupted.

Damon chuckled "I'm just kidding, the real answer is much better."

Barry, still dressed as the flash, glared confusingly at them "I know what you are, and I can help you both, back at Star Labs" he replied.

Damon chuckled more "Oh you do now? Please tell me what you think I am?" He asked.

"A Metahuman, like me."

Damon stared at Barry emotionless for a minute, building up the tenseness in Barry, Damon's glare gave him goosebumps.

Then unexpectedly, Damon started to laugh, leaving Barry even more confused "don't make me laugh, kid" Damon finally replied "you think we're Metahumans?"

"We're not Metahumans" Stefan finally spoke up.

"Then what are you?"

Damon smirked and quickly pinned Barry to the wall again, this time revealing his fangs and dark veins under his eyes, Damon growled loudly at Barry, startling him "What the hell!"


"Don't 'Damon' me, Stefan.. he knows, and he's one of them" He snapped in reply.

"Let him go" Stefan ordered.

Damon rolled his eyes, calming down so his fangs would return to normal "Fine brother."

Barry sped to the other side of the room as soon as Damon released him, too quick for the brothers to notice until they turned around "How'd you?-"

"They call me The Flash.. I'm a metahuman like the others that wanders Central City, that's why my friends and I try to stop them so no one gets hurt or killed."

"How fast are you?" "Fast. Fast enough for time travel" Barry replied.

Damon glanced at Stefan as they took in this new information "So, you're a Metahuman because of that explosion that girl mentioned?" Stefan asked and he nodded.

"I still say we kill him-"

Stefan and Barry both glared at Damon "you'd never catch me" "watch me" Damon growled as he vamp sped towards Barry but he quickly evaded in the blink of an eye.

"Damon enough!" Stefan yelled, pinning his brother to the wall before he could try to attack Barry again "Get off of me!"

"No, Damon calm down- You're gonna get yourself killed" Stefan snapped.

"I'm not your enemy but if Metahumans are leaving Central City then they're your enemies too" Barry added.

Stefan and Damon both stopped "What do you mean?"

"Metahumans, like me, have different abilities.. Like speed, weather control, mind control and alot more" Barry explained.

"So if you want your town metahuman free, then we shouldn't be fighting each other" "The kid's right" Stefan replied.

"Hey I have a name" Barry interrupted "And I'm not a kid!"

"Yeah but we just don't care enough to learn it" "Damon.."

"Sorry, so what is your name? Cosplay Boy?" Damon asked, still smirking.

"Barry, or The Flash."

Damon smirked more "yeah I'm not calling you that.."

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