Chapter 7: Sides

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The next morning went as normal as it could get.

Stefan and Damon went back to their motel to relax for a while.

Barry and the others stayed at Star Labs to improve the metahuman facility, and Iris as usual was working on a lead for a new article. Barry insisted on helping her, but she refused, being the independent journalist she is, wanted to work alone.

It was almost ten when Stefan got a text from Caroline telling them to meet her at Star Labs. She decided to stay at a fancier hotel since it was supposedly cleaner.

Barry and the others wanted their assistance immediately, it must've been important.

"Don't fall asleep on me Stefan, we have to leave to meet the nerds soon" Damon said while shaking Stefan slightly as he tried to read.

Stefan rolled his eyes as he glanced at him "I'm fine, just relaxing a bit that's all" he replied.

"Whatever you say" Damon smirked.

He sat down next to Stefan, peeking over "So what are you reading?"

"Something from Shakespeare" Stefan replied "Great, a book filled with death and romance" Damon joked as Stefan shrugged and continued to read "It's still a good book.."

Damon was about to speak again when he got a text on his phone "Put the book away brother, we've been summoned" he interrupted Stefan once more, trying to sound all heroic.

He sighed and nodded, marking the page in his book "Alright, let's go."


After a small drive through Central City, and a quick stop at Java, Stefan and Damon arrived at Star Labs.

The facility was huge and looked as if it was under construction for a long time. Only a few cars were parked in the parking lot next to the facility, probably not a lot of people actually worked there since the explosion.

"So-" Damon said, clearing his throat "how do we get in again?"

They looked around for any doors or entrances but most were blocked off or locked "Maybe we should just call them" Stefan suggested.

"Maybe-" Damon replied with a smirk before ripping a pad lock off the door close to them "Or maybe we can use our vamp powers to break our way in."

Stefan rolled his eyes and walked in the building, following close behind Damon "You can't go a day without breaking something, can you?" "Nope" he replied, still smirking.

Star Labs was very big and confusing, the long halls seemed tricky but thanks to their speed, Stefan and Damon were able to find the cortex in no time.

Cisco and Caitlin were sitting in their chairs, typing away at the computers when Stefan and Damon quietly walked in, looking around at the futuristic looking lab.

Damon walked over to the counter where Cisco and Caitlin, peering over his shoulder "Whatcha doing?" He asked, startling both Caitlin and Cisco.

They both jumped up, facing Stefan and Damon "What the hell man I almost had a heart attack!" Cisco whined.

Caitlin, still a little shooken up, glared "How'd you two even get in here- The computer usually alerts us of intruders" she said while pointing to the computer screen.

Damon glances at his brother then shrugged "I guess you need better security."

"We got a text asking to meet us here" Stefan interrupted.

"Oh, right" Cisco nodded and went back to his computer, turning on and speaking into a microphone next to him "Barry come down here for a minute-"

Less than a minute later, Barry walked in, greeted to Stefan and Damon standing near the doorway "You guys are here already? Jeez and I thought I was fast" he joked.

"So, why did you want us here?"

"Well since you guys are- well- vampires, and you're fast and strong, we'd appreciate a little help from you" Barry explained.

"Yeah and since there's a Metahuman attacking the city almost every day, you guys could really make a difference" Cisco added.

"Well little Barry here is the fastest man alive, can't he just throw everyone in jail in a flash?" Damon asked, glancing at Barry as he spoke.

Barry shook his head "It's not that easy, I can't be everywhere at once. And besides, some Metahumans are hard to beat" he replied.

"Okay, so lets say we help.. What's in it for us?" Damon asked.

They all shared a glance and returned their attention back to them "We'll owe you one?" "No, we'll help you any way we can, to some extent" Barry corrected Cisco.

Damon shared a glance with Stefan.

He rolled his eyes and sighed "fine.. we'll help, but I'm not wearing any ridiculous suits-"


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